- central column;main army;middle troops;tent of middle troops;general of middle troops

(1) [middle troops]∶古时行军作战队分上、中、下(或左、中、右)三军,由主帅所居中军发号施令
(2) [tent of middle troops]∶指中军统帅的营帐
中军置酒饮归客。--唐. 岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》
(3) [general of middle troops]∶中军将军的省称
中军临川殿下。-- 南朝梁. 丘迟《与陈伯之书》
Objective To investigate the value of duplex polymerase chain reaction ( DPCR ) in early diagnosis of Legionella pneumonia by detecting Legionella DNA in sputum and bronchoalvelar lavage fluid ( BALF ) .
Based on the theory of parameterized curve , the author presents the design of military symbol to serve as the basis of battlefield situational plotting . And further , based on the technology of XML and NetMeeting COM the system realizes the functionality of remote real-time synergetic military plotting .
Research on LP infection among 43 cases with lung infection
Research into Some Problems of the Military Traffic Support Guarantee in Island Operation
Objective : To investigate the contamination of legionella and amoeba in hospital water distribution systems , and to analyze the associated risk factors .
The infantry mercenaries , the dragoons , hussars and most of the artillery was in the center under the command of John Kazimierz .
He opened the hatch and climbed up the ladder , then pulled out a metal box that looked like a World War II ammunition case .
This difficult problem that how to build the dynamic military symbol in the dynamic military symbol editor and marker module of the chain of command in battlefield is studied .