
  1. 刘敞散文述评

    Comments on LIU Chang 's Prose Writings

  2. 刘敞是宋代著名的经学家、史学家、金石学先驱。

    Liu Chang was a famous scientists , historians , and epigraphy pioneer in Song Dynasty .

  3. 刘敞始终以忠君爱民为准则,不断完善自我,并期冀功成身退的境界。

    Loyalty to the emperor and loving to the people was always treated by Liu Chang as his standard . He constantly improved himself , and hoping to quit his mission successfully .

  4. 论文结合宋型文化特征,从宋学精神、宋代士风、古文运动三方面分析刘敞文风形成的原因,试图全面把握刘敞这一著名学者的文章。

    Liu Chang a light-type cultural identity , from the Song of the spirit of the Song Dynasty with the wind , three aspects of classical Chinese sports Liu Chang style of writing the reasons for the formation of an attempt to comprehensively grasp the renowned scholar Liu Chang article .