
  • 网络Liu Chan;Liu Shan
  1. 后主刘禅落拓鄂西北至汉中一带考

    Investigations on LIU Chan 's being frustrated in the area of northwest Hubei to Hanzhong

  2. 他把太子刘禅,也就是阿斗,托付给诸葛亮。

    He entrusted his son Liu chan , known as ah dou , to Zhuge liang .

  3. 诸葛亮死后,刘禅不知道怎样治理国家,他只顾自己享乐,蜀国慢慢变得弱小。

    After Zhuge Liang 's death , Liu Chan did not know how to manage the country .

  4. 刘禅答应了他的请求,但仍然让他负责丞相的事务。

    Liu Chan complied , but still let him be in charge of the affairs of a prime minister .

  5. 244年,姜维病重,不能有效行使权力。246年姜维病逝时,刘禅40岁已独立行使皇权。

    In 244 , Jiang Wei became ill and failed to function effectively , and at his death in 246 Liu Chan , now forty years old , took formal authority at the capital .

  6. 当年冬天攻破成都,后主刘禅降魏,并于264年夏流放至洛阳,蜀汉灭亡。

    In the winter , after victory in one pitched battle , he received the surrender of Liu Chan . And in the summer of 264 Liu Chan was received into honoured exile at Luoyang , thus Shu-Han perished .

  7. 刘禅是一个没有作为的皇帝,他不问政事,贪恋后宫声色,将朝中大事交给宠臣陈志和太监黄浩。

    Despite his maturity Liu Chan was an unimpressive ruler . He was more interested in his harem and his personal pleasures than in the responsibilities of government , therefore he gave excessive power to his favourite Chen Zhi and the eunuch Huang Hao .