
  1. 其次,在刘克庄的笔下,不同的花意象代表着不同的历史文化内涵。

    Second , from the pen of Liu Keshena , different images of flowers refer to different historical and cultural connotations .

  2. 刘克庄是南宋后期少数在文学创作和诗学理论上都卓有建树的人物。

    Liu Ke-zhuang was few personage who made important contribution all in literature creation and the poetics in Southern Song Dynasty later stage .

  3. 一个是具有时代主调的爱国词,另一个是刘克庄寿词中所展现的人生体悟。

    One is to have an ages lord to adjust of patriotic phrase , another is a life for emerge to comprehend in the life phrase of Liu Ke zhuang .

  4. 研究刘克庄的唐、宋诗学史观对于厘清文学史上千年公案唐宋诗之辨、对于研究我国古代诗歌理论具有深刻的意义。

    Research his " viewpoints of poetics history of Tang and Song Dynasty " also has profound meaning to settle " the controversy on poems of Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty " .