
  • 网络Chen County;Chen Prefecture
  1. 东晋南朝陈郡高门袁氏研究

    A Research into the Prestigious Yuan Family of Chen Prefecture in Southern Dynasties

  2. 芝兰玉树生阶庭&从陈郡谢氏文人赋的创作看其家风与家学的关系

    Relationship Between Family Customs and Family Literature From the Perspective of Chen jun Xie clan 's Fu Works

  3. 东晋南朝时期,陈郡谢氏家族有着崇佛的门风,这对他们的文学创作产生了很深的影响。

    The Chen 's Xies ' tradition that the family has Buddhism faith , has a very deep impact on their literary creation .

  4. 在六朝的300余年间,陈郡谢氏自谢衡至谢靖前后凡10余代,世系绵长,子孙繁盛;

    From Xie Heng to Xie Jing , the Xie clan bred more than 10 generations during the 300 years of the Six Dynasties .

  5. 在晋末宋初的历史变革过程中,陈郡谢氏代表人物具有强烈的门阀意识,采取了颇具个性的应对之策。

    With strong consciousness of " family ", the representatives of the Xie Clan took their own effective measures in the process of the historical change at the turn of the Eastern Jin and Song Dynasties .