
  1. 无传载紧固孔的疲劳寿命估算

    Fatigue Life Estimation of Fastener Holes without Load Transfer

  2. 巴鲁不能让自己的航海技能身后无传,他有责任将技能传给他人,所以才答应做哈古乐的船长。

    As a palu , however , he could not allow his skills to die with him . He was duty-bound to pass them on . Hence his agreement to captain the Hokule'a.

  3. 根据无接触传能研究的需求,参照上述射频理论,制定了设计目标和设计方案。

    Under the demand for no-contact energy transfer research , with reference to the RF theory , develops the design objectives and design specifications .

  4. 非电传爆系统无起爆药传爆接头的性能研究

    The Performance of Detonating Connector with Non-primary Explosive in Non-electric Detonation Transfer System

  5. 传统的TCP是为可靠固定的有线网络而设计,此时就会把数据包丢失误认为是由于拥塞引起的,进行拥塞控制,这样将导致无必要的重传和吞吐量降低。

    Classical Transport Control Protocols , which have been designed for reliable fixed networks , misinterpret this packet loss as congestion and invoke congestion control , leading to unnecessary retransmissions and loss of throughput .

  6. 从结构体系上看,刚构系杆拱桥属于无推力结构,传力路径明确,但是,结构的形成过程较为复杂、漫长。

    Though in terms of structure system , rigid-framed tied arch bridge belongs to an arch bridge without thrust , and its load path is clear , the construction process is long and complex .

  7. 设计功能全面的诊间系统,实现诊间无纸化、传报系统及各类统计分析、诊间预约、各类医学证明管理等,提高了诊疗水平和效率。

    Design function to diagnose a system completely , realization examines paperless , notification system and each kind of statistical analysis , makes an appointment in examines , each kind of medicine management proof and so on , raised diagnosis and treatment level and efficiency .

  8. 地面站利用专用数据链系统,通过读写串口来与无人机通信,而无人机下传数据帧的频率很高,因此高速实时串口通信的实现至关重要。

    Because of the high speed and frequency of downlink data , the realization of high-speed real-time serial communication is very important .

  9. 放电过程中无快速的交界区心动过速或者>1个无逆传的连续交界区心律。

    No rapid junctional tachycardia or > 1 consecutive retrograde block complex was observed during RFCA .