
  • 网络straddle;Straddling
跨立 [kuà lì]
  • [straddle] 叉开腿站立的动作或姿势

  1. 他醒来发现汤姆跨立在他身上。

    He woke to find Tom standing astride him .

  2. 跨立在一条或两条腿上,

    straddling one or both legs ,

  3. 巨人般的起重机以及跨立在空处的三脚架。这里有十几万个没有完成的形状和实体,散乱地混杂在一起,上下倒立,深埋在地下,高耸在空中,腐烂在水里,像梦一样地难以理解。

    There were a hundred thousand shapes and substances of incompleteness , wildly mingled out of their places , upside down , burrowing in the earth , aspiring in the air , mouldering in the water , and unintelligible as any dream .