
hǎi kè
  • Haike;seafarer;navigator;itinerant
海客 [hǎi kè]
  • (1) [voyager]∶经常出海航行之人

  • 海客谈瀛洲,烟涛微茫信难求。-- 唐. 李白《梦游天姥吟留别》

  • (2) [tramp]∶居无定所的江湖人

  1. 华盛顿邮报电子新闻高级编辑克里海客说对新闻机构而言,这种转变意味着新闻业的大分拆。

    For news organizations , said Cory Haik , senior editor for digital news at The Washington Post , the shift represents the great unbundling of journalism .

  2. 华盛顿邮报电子新闻高级编辑克里海客说对新闻机构而言,这种转变意味着新闻业的“大分拆”。

    For news organizations , said Cory Haik , senior editor for digital news at The Washington Post , the shift represents " the great unbundling " of journalism .

  3. 颁奖后,俱乐部举行了本学年第一次四维讲坛活动,主讲嘉宾是我校校友、中国第一黑客之称的江海客,他也是安天网络安全实验室联合创办人之一。

    After the award ceremony , the club held its first four-d platform this year forum , the speaker is our school alumni , first Chinese hackers Jiang haike , he was one of the founders of the network security laboratory .