
  • 网络shanghai culture;shanghai regional culture;shanghai-school culture
  1. 海派文化作为一种根植于中国传统吴越文化,融合其它优秀地域文化,逐渐形成的以上海为核心发散的地域文化。

    Shanghai Regional Culture is a kind of emanative regional culture , with Shanghai as the core , which rooted in traditional Chinese culture and integrates other excellent geographical culture .

  2. 第二章立足以我眼中的海派文化为专题开展自主阅读调控力培养的四个阶段的教学实践,提出了相应的四种教学策略。

    The second chapter based on " my eyes of Shanghai regional culture " for the project to carry out independent reading control force cultivate the four stages of teaching practice , and put forward the corresponding four teaching strategy .

  3. 豫园万丽充分融合了万丽悠久的传统以及海派文化精华。

    Yu Yuan Renaissance exemplifies a delightful fusion of Renaissance heritage and Shanghai local culture .

  4. 海派文化的发展与中国软实力的提升

    The Development of Shanghai Style Culture and the Elevation of the Soft Strength in China

  5. 上海,一座极具现代化,而又不失中国传统特色的海派文化都市。

    Shanghai , is not merely a modern metropolis , but a city with traditional Chinese and local culture .

  6. 海派文化内容丰富、包罗众多,流行歌曲便是海派文化的重要组成部分。

    Shanghai culture is rich in content and include various kinds . Popular songs are an important part of its culture .

  7. 从舞剧《长恨歌》探析国标舞与海派文化的渊源

    The Analysis on Dance-drama " Everlasting Regret " to Research the Origin of the Culture of Shanghai and International Ballroom Dance

  8. 上海是中国近代政治、经济、文化的中心,它于近代曾经缔造了海纳百川、兼容并蓄的海派文化。

    Shanghai is Chinese modern political , economic and cultural center , which in modern times has created the all-inclusive culture .

  9. 在上海城市建设中,继承海派文化的历史传统,拓展海派文化的国际影响力,是上海文化建设的重要方面。

    In construction of Shanghai culture , it is important to inherit the historical tradition and develop the international influence of the Shanghai style culture .

  10. 上海作为一个历史文化名城,以其海派文化吸引了海内外数以千计的游客。

    As a famous historical and cultural city , Shanghai has attracted thousands of tourists both from home and abroad with its regional and cultural tradition .

  11. 《小洋楼》老租界地区,一幢幢各式各样的小洋楼隐立于都市的丛林之中,呈现出不同的城市生态,是租界里弄的海派文化。

    Small building Various small buildings stand among the jungle of city in old concession , taking on different city lives and Haipai culture in the lane .

  12. 随着上海的崛起,近年来学界对海派文化的研究也愈益热衷,作为海派文学开山之作的《海上花列传》自然也日渐成为研究的热点之一。

    As a matter of course , Biographies of Prostitutes of Shanghai , signaling the beginning of Shanghai school literature , has become one of the hot research topics .

  13. 在此基础上从海派文化和海派电影的角度入手,重点分析、研究新时期上影厂上海题材电影文化特征。

    On this basis , the paper analyzes the culture on Shanghai Style Film of the Shanghai Film Studio in the New Period from the perspective of shanghai school film .

  14. 海派文化目前在国际上已具有较强的影响力。

    At the present time , the Shanghai style culture has produced a strong international influence , chiefly , on overseas Chinese communities , surrounding countries and western developed countries .

  15. 海派文化曾在近代中国文化史上占有重要的历史地位,它的形成与发展以及所反映出的主要特征,均与近代上海商业的畸形发展和社会的商业化不无关联。

    Shanghai Culture has once taken an important part in contemporary cultural history , whose formation and development are closely related to the contemporary commerce and its commercialized society in Shanghai .

  16. 酒店在充分体现“海纳百川,兼容并蓄”的海派文化特色的基础上实现了传统与现代、气派与精致的完美融合。

    Hotels in fully reflected " Heiner rivers , inclusive ," the Shanghai cultural characteristics on the basis of the traditional and the modern , sophisticated style with the perfect fusion .

  17. 它既有中国传统文化的基因,也有西方传统的血脉,带着海派文化特有的气质。

    Carrying the genes of traditional culture , and taking the blood of western civilization , the landscape design in Shanghai has the proper temperament of the ' Shanghai Style of Culture ' .

  18. 文章探讨了上海海派文化与海派建筑的关系,阐述海派建筑的特点,提出在当前时期,如何合理继承和发展海派建筑的风格。

    The paper approaches to the relation of Shanghai-style culture and Shanghai-style architecture , states the features of Shanghai-style architecture , and points out how this style be reasonably inherited and developed at the present time .

  19. 在进入新的传媒时代后,以视觉符号为传播特色的电视逐渐取代平面媒体成为影响力最大的大众传播媒介,同时,它也成为海派文化重要的载体之一。

    A new era of media spread characteristics of visual symbols for the TV gradually replace print media , TV has become the most influential mass media , at the same time , it become one of the most important vectors .

  20. 京派文人的写作本身具有自己的主体意识,有自己的风格、特色,是一种与当时的主流文学&左翼文学截然不同的文化现象,也迥异于当时流行于上海的海派文化。

    Beijing School writers writing in itself has its own identity , has its own style , features , is a kind of literary and mainstream at the time - left-wing literature distinct cultural phenomenon , but also quite different from the " Shanghai " cultural , popular in Shanghai .

  21. 海派电影文化论

    On the Culture of the Shanghai - styled Film

  22. 海派的文化位置及与中国现代通俗文学之关系

    Position of Hay Pai Literature and Its Relationship With Modern Chinese Popular Fiction

  23. 不唯中西只求先进&论海派建筑文化的社会生成

    Only Seeking the Advanced , Whether from the Western or the Chinese & A Discussion on the Social Formation of the Architectural Culture of Shanghai Style

  24. 在旧海派电影文化的积淀中升华、创新的新海派电影文化,既应海纳百川,又应百川归海,既葆有地域文化的鲜明特色,又相融相合于中国整体文化之中。

    The new school of Shanghai film culture which sublimed and innovated from the old school of Shanghai film culture should be comprehensive , regional and up to the whole Chinese culture .

  25. 他们独特的生存价值观念,他们典型的城市移民特色,海派都市文化、市民性格心态的形成等等。

    The survival of their unique values , they are a typical feature of urban migration , Shanghai urban culture , the formation of the mentality of the public character and so on .

  26. 试论海派小品散文的文化品格

    On culture attribute of the essays by the Shanghai School