
  • 网络Dongqian Lake;dong qian lake
  1. 为对梅园石质文物进行保护,本工作选取庆安会馆、东钱湖石刻群等几个代表性文物点进行了分析研究。

    Several representative cultural heritage sites were selected for analysis , including the Qing'an Commercial Guild Hall and Dongqian Lake Stone Inscriptions .

  2. 项目位于宁波东钱湖福泉山风景区,景区风景优美,盛产茶叶。

    The project is situated in the Fuquanshen scenic spot of Dongqian Lake , Ningbo , the landscape of which is as beautiful as painting .

  3. 构筑有地方特色的城市意象&宁波东钱湖新城核心区概念规划及城市设计

    Construct the urban image with local characteristic