
  • 网络the three regions
  1. 我国三大地带经济发展不平衡性动态分析

    Dynamic analysis on Disequilibrium of economic development in the three regions of China

  2. 由于自然条件、自然资源、资本、劳动力、制度文化等要素禀赋不同,三大地带之间,省区之间、城乡之间经济社会发展极为不均衡。

    Due to endowments differences of natural conditions , natural resources , capital , labor , institutional and cultural factor , there are uneven economic and social developments between the three regions , provinces , urban and rural areas .

  3. 最后,论文分别考察了我国三大地带和六大区域和俱乐部收敛情况,研究表明,FDI显著促进了我国各地区内部的条件收敛,或减缓了地区内部的发散趋势。

    Finally , we investigate the club convergence according to compartmentalizing China into three terrains and six zones . Results approve that FDI significantly promote the convergence , or slower the trend of divergence .

  4. 本文采用人均GDP指标,对1978-2002年我国三大地带经济发展的不平衡性及驱动机制进行了动态时序分析,剖析了三大地带经济差距产生的原因。

    Adopting per capital GDP and statistical data , this paper analyzes the economic development disequilibrium and driving forces of the three regions from 1978 to 2002 in China . The reasons that lead to regional economic disparity are also revealed .

  5. 利用地区差距加权变异系数Vw数学模型,从GDP和投资来入手分析中国三大地带地区差距扩大问题。

    Based on Williamson 's mathematics model on regional economical disparity ,: this paper analyzed the expanding unbalance in three economical regions in China from the view of GDP and investment . How to shorten the regional disparity ?

  6. 东、中、西部三大地带之间存在着明显的经济发展差距。

    There are obvious differences of economic development between three economic regions .

  7. 我国三大地带经济波动与总体经济波动的关联性研究

    The Relationship of Economic Fluctuations between the Three Regions and the Whole Country

  8. 最后,分析中、西、东三大地带农民收入的差异及原因。

    At last , analyze the differences and reasons of farmers ' income in three economic zones .

  9. 东、中、西三大地带城市发育水平差别较大,梯度现象较为明显。

    The difference of cities development levels was obvious among the three zones , and gradient-phenomenon is very distinct .

  10. 分析表明,从地区结构来看,东、中、西部三大地带间的差异在总体差异中占主导地位;

    The result is that difference among the east , the middle and the west areas takes up great importance in the total ;

  11. 我国的经济增长存在着明显的区域差异,尤其表现为东、中、西三大地带的差异。

    There is obvious district difference in our economy in areas , particularly in the east , the central , and the western region .

  12. 如何协调东中西三大地带关系,是中国现代化建设进程中的重大课题。

    How to coordinate the relation among the east , middle and west zone is the great subject during the process of modernization in China .

  13. 苏浙沪地区的经济社会发展在空间结构上存在着差距甚大的三大地带。

    There are three zones of great disparity in the space structure of social and economic development in the area embracing Jiangsu , Zhejiang and Shanghai .

  14. 我国三大地带大城市建设用地扩展社会经济驱动力比较研究

    Comparative Studies on Social and Economic Driving Forces of Urban Built-Up Land Expansion in the Cities with Population over 500 000 in the Three Zones of China

  15. 中国东部、中部、西部三大地带劳动力资源有很大区别,产业结构劳动力的演进过程正加速进行。

    There are many differents on labor force resources of three great region in China , evolution of labor force is increasingly improved on structure of industrial .

  16. 我国东、中、西三大地带的资源赋存状况和社会经济条件差异显著,在保障国家资源安全方面承担的职能也应有所区别。

    From social , economic and natural aspects , the East , the Middle and the West of China should undertake different functions in national resource security .

  17. 在三大地带中,东部、中部地区生产率水平不断提高,而西部地区生产率水平有下降趋势,且与东、中部地区差距越来越大。

    In the three major regions , the east and the middle area 's productivities improve continuously , while the west shows the trend of decreasing and the gap has been enlarged .

  18. 2000-2006年三大地带不存在俱乐部收敛现象,肯定了近几年中央为了缩小区域发展差距而推行的区域协调发展战略的成果。

    2000-2006 three big regions do not have the club convergence phenomenon , this is because in recent years the central committee carries out the region coordinated development strategy , reduce the area development disparity .

  19. 东、中、西三大地带内部的城市化水平差异尤为明显,其中东部地区的各省(市、区)的城市化水平差异最大,中部地区次之,西部地区最小。

    The differences of urbanization level among every provinces of Three regions are quite clear , and the differences of urbanization level in the East are greatest , in the Central come second and in the West are smallest .

  20. 从对基尼系数和锡尔系数的三大地带分析结果来看,自改革开放以来东中西三大地带间经济差异一直在逐渐拉大,地带内的差距一直在缩小。

    Through decomposing the Gini coefficient and Theil coefficient into three regions , the conclusion show that economic difference on the three regions widen gradually all the time since reform and opening-up , and the disparity inter-regions keeps shrinking .

  21. 研究顺序是从全局到局部到具体行业,即东中西三大地带到西部到生态到林业,层层递进,次次延伸。

    The research sequence is from the overall situation to the part then to the specific trade , which is from the east , the middle and the west regions to the west then to the zoology and forestry , increasing progressively .

  22. 由于我国存在的区际差异,东中西三大地带用水效率的地带性特征也比较明显,区域间用水效率的差异还将长期存在。

    Moreover , it is pointed out that there are obvious differences in water consumption efficiency between the east , the middle , and the west regions of China , and the regional differences will last for a long period of time .

  23. 《全国国土总体规划纲要》中确定的我国东、中,西三大地带国土开发建设布局,也完全适应于黄河流域。

    The layout for developing and constructing three large areas of east , west and central of China has been determined by " The National Programme for General Planning of the national Land " that is completely suit to the Yellow River basin .

  24. 空间结构失衡表现为基础设施在三大地带之间、城市与农村之间以及城市内部不同地域之间的两极化现象;产业结构失衡表现为经济性基础设施和社会性基础设施发展差距拉大。

    The spatial disequilibria include imbalanced development of infrastructure among the Eastern , Central and Western Regions , between urban and rural areas , and between different zones in the city . The industrial disequilibrium is the gap of economic infrastructure and social infrastructure .

  25. 本文还发现,中国经济增长在改革开放的前十年具有明显的条件收敛机制,但在1990年以后,条件收敛不复存在,这一结论对三大地带内部的收敛机制同样适用。

    The paper also finds that Chinese economic growth is conditional convergence in the fist ten years of reformation , but this tendency disappears after 1990 , and the conclusion is suitable for the convergence mechanism of the interior of east , west or midst areas .

  26. 长江是中国经济的主动脉,长江流域融汇了我国东、中、西三大地带,汇集了多种经济成分,是中国经济腾飞和向中西部扩展的基地,长江流域的长治久安事关国计民生的大局。

    Yangtse River is a main economic artery of China . Three economic zones , the east , the middle and the west are merge into the river basin , referring to as the base of economic development for the middle and the west ( economic ) zones .

  27. 1978-1991年和1992-1999年东中西部存在俱乐部收敛现象,说明80年代推行的让一部分地区先富起来的发展策略造成三大地带经济差距的扩大,出现富的地区更富,穷的地方更穷的现象。

    1978-1991 and 1992-1999 eastern 、 middle and western have the club convergence phenomenon . Showing the development strategy which lets some areas get rich first , creates three big regions economic gaps expansion from the 80s , presents the rich area to be richer , poor place poorer phenomenon .

  28. FDI对中国三大经济地带就业效应的实证分析

    An empirical Analysis on the Employment Effects of FDI to China 's Three Economics Zone

  29. 公元2000年我国三大经济地带城镇发展设想

    The development of cities and towns in the three economic zones in China before 2000 : a predication

  30. 基本结论是:我国三大经济地带农村居民收入差距处在一个相对平均的阶段,但其差距有随时间变化而增大的趋势。

    The basic conclusion is that this income differentiation stays at a comparatively average period , though in an incremental trend .