
  1. 总部位于南京的中国太平洋建设集团(ChinaPacificConstructionGroup,简称CPCG)创始人严介和1月起诉六个地方政府拖欠逾9亿元人民币款项。

    Yan Jiehe , founder of the Nanjing-based China Pacific Construction Group , sued six local governments in January for debts totalling more than Rmb900m .

  2. 在去年的胡润百富榜(HurunReport)上,严介和被列为中国第七大富豪,身家估计达到142亿美元。同时太平洋建设在福布斯(Forbes)世界500强企业排行榜上位居第166位,年营收达到600亿美元。

    Last year Mr Yan was named China 's seventh richest man by the Hurun Report with a fortune estimated at $ 14.2bn , while China Pacific Construction is ranked 166th on the Forbes 500 list of the world 's largest companies , with annual revenues of $ 60bn .

  3. 严介和:目标5000亿

    YanJiehe : goal 500 billion

  4. 我们的诉讼给相关地方政府造成了巨大压力,严介和在上海的一个新闻发布会上表示。

    Our lawsuits put a lot of pressure on the governments , Mr Yan said at a media briefing in Shanghai .

  5. 如果有必要,我们将一路上诉到最高法院,严介和表示,我们一定会打赢这场官司。

    We will appeal all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary , Mr Yan said . We will surely win this case .

  6. 严介和在周一的发布会上宣布,他的策略是成功的,他的公司的对地方政府应收账款在近几个月已下降至400亿元人民币,而“正常”水平是大约300亿元人民币。

    At Monday 's briefing , Mr Yan said that his gambit had been successful , with his company 's accounts receivable from local governments declining to Rmb40bn over recent months against a " normal " level of about Rmb30bn .

  7. 严介和表示,他已经与其中四个债务人敲定还款协议,并誓言会继续向湖南和山东省欠了逾2亿元人民币的另外两个地方政府追债,如有必要会把官司一路打到中国的最高法院。

    But repayment agreements have now been hammered out with four of the debtors according to Mr Yan , who vowed to pursue the other two administrations in Hunan and Shandong provinces , which owe more than Rmb200m , to China 's Supreme People 's Court " if needed . "