
  1. 他在一门叫做《动物解剖与组织胚胎学》的动物解剖学课上拍下了这张图,该课程是由黄超老师讲授,有180名学生参与课程。

    He took the picture during an animal anatomy course called " Zootomy and Histoembryology , " a course of 180 students lectured by Huang Chao .

  2. 祝贺中加高中高三黄超同学成功被美国纽约州立石溪大学录取,也祝福中加高中大学联络办和签证办老师带给我们更多的好消息。

    Huang Chao , a Senior Three student in Huamei-Bond International College , was enrolled by State University of New York at Stony Brook ! Congratulations ! And we hope more good news will reach us .