
  • concealer;Concealers;correct
  1. 就绝大部分化妆品而言,这确实是真的,YVES遮瑕膏和香奈儿眼线膏都是她最喜欢的。

    And for the most part that is true , with YVES concealer and Chanel eyeliner topping her list of favourites .

  2. 根据你的皮肤颜色和皮肤类型选择遮瑕膏。

    Choose a concealer based on your skin color and skin type .

  3. 佩戴口罩会改变我们使用的粉底和遮瑕膏的类型。

    Wearing masks will likely change the types of foundations and concealers we use .

  4. 招牌产品:hidetheblemish遮瑕膏。

    Signature product hide the Blemish Concealer .

  5. Concealer遮瑕膏tips:粉状或棒状的遮瑕可维持2年左右,液态遮瑕1年后就该更换。

    Concealers in powder and stick form can last for up to two years , while liquids should be tossed after one 。

  6. 最困难的是选择合适颜色的遮瑕膏。

    The hardest part is picking the right shade of concealer .

  7. 选择和肌肤颜色相近的粉底和遮瑕膏。

    Choose a foundation and concealer that match your skin tone .

  8. 再用遮瑕膏会让你看起来非常假。

    Reoccupy block defect creams can let you look very false .

  9. 在使用任何粉刺遮瑕膏之前先去角质。

    Exfoliate your face prior to using any acne concealer .

  10. 如果你用粉底的话,在遮瑕膏之前使用。

    If you wear foundation , put it on before applying concealer .

  11. 遮瑕膏通常有管状的,棒状的和罐装的。

    Concealers come in tubes , sticks and pots .

  12. 让遮瑕膏固定一会儿。

    Take a moment to let the concealer set .

  13. 你还要确认遮瑕膏和粉底的颜色相配。

    Make sure the concealer matches the foundation .

  14. 小贴士:记得要先打粉底再用遮瑕膏。

    Tip : Always apply foundation before concealer .

  15. 使用小小的尼龙遮瑕膏刷子。

    Use a small nylon concealer brush .

  16. 遮瑕膏的颜色比你的肤色稍微浅一点就可以了。

    Go for a concealer color just a tiny bit lighter than your skin color .

  17. 用黄色系的遮瑕膏提亮下眼圈,比皮肤的颜色稍微淡一点。

    Lighten under-eye circles with a yellow-based concealer one shade lighter than your skin tone .

  18. 如果先用遮瑕膏,再用粉底时只是把遮瑕膏清除掉了而已。

    If you apply concealer first , putting on foundation will only wipe it off again .

  19. 1.选择遮瑕膏

    Step 1 : Choose Your Concealer

  20. 3.使用遮瑕膏

    Step 3 : Apply The Concealer

  21. 我可以推荐你一款遮瑕膏

    I can recommend a concealer .

  22. 药用遮瑕膏可以治愈斑点,减少红肿。

    You can get medicated concealer 's which will help to heal blemishes and decrease their redness .

  23. 轻拍遮瑕膏在眼部作眼部妆前乳或拍在其他皮肤问题区域。

    Dab concealer around your eyes , on problem areas , and on eyelids as a primer .

  24. 我有一个晒斑,我以前都需要用很多遮瑕膏来盖。

    I have a dark sun spot that I used to have to cover with heavy duty concealer .

  25. 一些女性会使用遮瑕膏或者妆前液将脸上的斑点或瑕疵遮住。

    Some women also use a concealer or primer to hide spots and flaws or blemishes of the skin .

  26. 迅速地照一下镜子,确保遮瑕膏在皮肤上分布均匀。

    Take a quick look in the mirror to make sure the concealer is spread evenly across your skin .

  27. 如果没有做好保湿,遮瑕膏会立即暴露出来,变成一片白茫茫。

    If there 's any hint of dryness , the concealer will instantly reveal itself and turn chalky presence .

  28. 携带一个装有遮瑕膏、粉饼、口红或透明唇膏、唇笔和面纸的补妆包。

    Carry a touch-up kit with concealer , pressed powder , lipstick or gloss , lip liner and tissues .

  29. 对眼部进行修饰之前,先在面部涂抹粉底,遮瑕膏和透明蜜粉,让肤色看上去更加均匀。

    Apply foundation , concealer and translucent powder over the face to even out the skin tone before starting the look .

  30. 局部使用遮瑕膏——如果有必要的话多用点儿遮瑕膏——和粉底彻底混合。

    Apply and rub in a tiny amount of concealer on the blemishes - add more if necessary - and blend thoroughly .