
yǎn xiàn yè
  • liquid eyeliner
  1. 用眼线笔(而不是眼线液)在眼睛下面画上眼线。

    I use a pencil eyeliner ( rather than a liquid eyeliner ) and apply it below my eye .

  2. 日本男性用淡妆让自己看上去清新自然,韩国男性则大胆通过男用眼线液或粉底霜打造精致优雅的面庞。

    While Japanese men used to put on light makeup to keep their natural look , South Korean gentlemen were not afraid of wearing eyeliner or foundation to create delicate and elegant face .

  3. 这是将一般眼影转换成为眼线液的魔法眼妆转换液。

    Is a magic ! Is a kind of liquid to change an eye shadow to become an eyeliner .

  4. 上眼睑和内眼角使用透明闪亮的眼线液。

    Draw attention to your eyes with a clear sparkly liquid eye liner applied over the top eyelid and into the inner corners of each eye .