
  1. 据此提出完成这一设计思想应采取深孔爆破、水压爆破及浅眼爆破相结合的最佳方案。

    On these grounds , it is confirmed that the general blasting scheme of combining the long-hole and short-hole blasting with water-pressure blasting should be adopted so as to realize the design idea .

  2. 本研究同时与心脏超声及眼动脉检查相结合,动脉硬化显示主动脉壁回声增强、运动幅度减低(≤8mm),重搏波消失。

    The study also combined with ophthalmic artery and cardiac ultrasound examination . Atherosclerosis showed aortic wall echo increased , the range of motion reduced (≤ 8mm ) and re-pump wave disappeared .

  3. 眼内动脉在眼眶内与眼外动脉相吻合,其为睫状长动脉的主要来源;

    The internal ophthalmic was one of source of the posterior long ciliary artery .

  4. 基于广义象建立可视查询功能,把电脑与人的眼脑识别模式相结合,将系统查询与人们的视觉紧密联系在一起,可以直观地查询信息和知识。

    Based on generalized icons , visual inquiry function has been established , which combines the recognition mode of computer with that of human eyes . System inquiry is closely connected with people vision so that information and knowledge can be visually inquired .

  5. 目的研究泪膜干涉成像方法对干眼诊断的意义,并与临床上常用的其他干眼检查方法相结合,探讨上述检查方法之间的关系和对干眼诊断的指导意义。

    Objective To investigate the value of tear film interferometry for diagnosis of dry eye .