
jīng pì
  • incisive;penetrating;pointed
精辟 [jīng pì]
  • [pointed] 精深透彻

  • 对形势的精辟分析

精辟[jīng pì]
  1. 老师把这篇课文分析得很精辟。

    The teacher made a penetrating analysis of the text .

  2. 关于科学实验,他有着独特、精辟的见解。

    About scientific experiment , he has distinct , penetrating opinions .

  3. 那番精辟见解到底是什么意思呢?

    And what is that pearl of wisdom supposed to mean ?

  4. 罗就偏见的本质讲了一番很精辟的话。

    Rowe does a very clever riff on the nature of prejudice .

  5. 这本书写得很好,插图生动形象,说明文字简练精辟。

    The book is well written , properly illustrated and excellently captioned .

  6. 约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯在其《通论》中用了许多精辟言辞

    John Maynard Keynes used somewhat gnomic utterances in his General Theory .

  7. 美国农业部对此给出了更为精辟的定义:任何接受人口普查的地区中,至少20%的居民生活在贫困线以下,33%居民的居所距离最近的超市超过一英里(在农村,该距离为超过10英里)。

    More precisely1 , the U.S. Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) defines a food desert as any census2 district where at least 20 percent of the inhabitants are below the poverty line and 33 percent live over a mile from the nearest supermarket ( or in rural areas , more than 10 miles ) .

  8. 从总线架构角度,对三级PC技术中组成原理与接口技术重点内容进行解析,特别是对近年来典型考题中的难点加以精辟分析。

    This papar analyses the organization principle and interface technique in personal computer technique from the bus architecture view .

  9. 推动IBM的SOA编程模型的远景依赖于两个重要的观察结果,请看以下两段引言中的精辟描述

    The vision that motivated IBM 's SOA programming model rests on two central observations , aptly captured by the following quotations

  10. Python库参考书精辟讨论了Python中的序列类型。

    Python Library Reference has a nice discussion of the sequence types available within in Python .

  11. 在这篇演说中,Gabor精辟地论述了摄影的物理原理以及主要应用。

    In his speech , Gabor has beautifully distilled the physics and the important application of photography .

  12. 总部位于旧金山的收购集团FranciscoPartners最近发表了一份精辟的分析,它对于任何揣测科技股未来的人都很重要。

    The San Francisco-based buyout firm Francisco Partners recently published a delicious analysis relevant to anyone wondering about what the future holds for technology stocks .

  13. 西北大学凯洛格高管领导力学院(KelloggExecutiveLeadershipInstitute)主席道格拉斯o科南特对领导力的精辟见解备受各界珍视,他单场演讲费的起价为4.5万美元。

    Douglas Conant , chairman of the Kellogg Executive Leadership Institute at Northwestern University , delivers highly prized insights on leadership at prices starting at $ 45,000 per speech .

  14. Jones两位学者对精益生产和精益企业所作的颇有影响的精辟论述,并列举了国外一些著名公司在实现精益企业中的经验和模式。

    Jones 's brilliant exposition of " Lean Production " and " Lean Enterprise " is stated and experiences and modes in developing lean technique of some famous foreign companies are cited .

  15. 关于网站SEO,前辈们已经做了很精辟的分析,我只说说我这个单页面的方法及效果。

    About website SEO , elder people had done very incisive analysis , I say me only the method of this single page and effect .

  16. 英年早逝的耶鲁大学(Yale)学生玛丽娜•基根(MarinaKeegan)在她2011年的文章《连洋蓟也有疑问》(Evenartichokeshavedoubts)中,对这种华而不实的招聘过程进行了精辟的刻画。

    This slick process was expertly skewered by the late Marina Keegan , then a Yale student , in her 2011 essay " Even artichokes have doubts . "

  17. 洛克伍德在Twitter上的“性短信”灵感来自政治丑闻和有线新闻频道对手机潜在的性威胁的报道。这些“性短信”采用了精辟简练的诗歌形式,艺术再现了当代人对欲望让人脸红心跳的表述。

    Lockwood 's Twitter " sexts " - inspired by political scandals and cable-news stories on the sexual menace of cellphones - reimagine the sweaty-thumbed expression of a generation 's libido as a kind of gnomic poetry .

  18. 本文作者运用大量详实的统计数字,对我国加入WTO以后木材工业将面临的现实问题、发展趋势、应对措施、市场环境,从专业角度均进行了精辟的分析、论述。

    The author states and analyzes the problems , development trend , interrelated measure , and market environment of the lumber industry when our country join in the WTO from the professional angel . A great deal of detail statistical figures is used in this paper .

  19. 对于复杂临床资料的处理,Feinstein(1967;1977a)已经作了精辟的讨论。

    The approach to complex clinical data has been artfully discussed by Feinstcin ( 1967 ; 1977a ) .

  20. 安东尼.斯内尔森法官(JudgeAnthonySnelson)精辟地说道,有关优步伦敦业务代表着依靠其技术平台连接起来的大约3万家小企业的说法“有些可笑”。

    The notion that the London operations of Uber , Judge Anthony Snelson remarked laconically , represented a mosaic of some 30000 small businesses linked by Uber 's technology platform , was " faintly ridiculous . "

  21. 曾担任伦敦金融城首席规划官的彼得•李斯(PeterRees)将这些房地产称为“天空里的保管箱”,精辟地概括了这种房地产与下方真实城市之间的隔阂。

    Peter Rees , one-time chief planner for the City of London , called these properties " safe-deposit boxes in the sky , " an eloquent encapsulation of the alienation of this real estate from the real city that lies below it .

  22. 奥曼(Aumann)在权威的《帕尔格雷夫大辞典》中的《博弈论》条中对这门学科的历史,它在八十年代中叶以前的发展成果作了精辟的介绍。继博弈论的开创者冯。

    Aumann gave incisive introductions to development results before middle period of 1980s and to history of the subject in 《 Game theory 》 of authoritative 《 Webster dictionary 》 .

  23. NLP理论是在对杰出的经理人的研究基础上形成的,是研究主观经验结构的一门学问,同时它在组织理论方面也提出了许多精辟论述。

    The theories of NLP is formed by the research foundation of the outstanding managers , are a knowledge about the subjective experience structure , it is organizing the theories to also put forward many good words to open up the treatise at the same time .

  24. 针对具体的艺术门类,桑塔耶纳也有精辟的见解。

    Regarding specific art categories , he also had incisive views .

  25. 他精辟的评论驳倒了我的论点。

    His pithy comments knocked the bottom out of my argument .

  26. 满满的插图由著名电影和精辟的解释。

    Chock full of illustrations from well-known movies and insightful explanations .

  27. 伟大实践的精辟总结&学习十六大报告的体会

    Succinct Summary of the Great Practice : Report to 16th CPC Congress

  28. 词创作理论丰富精辟,词创作实践成就卓著。

    Guo was excellent in theory and practice in terms of ci-creation .

  29. 要是这些燃料在地方上生产出来,这一策略尤其精辟。

    This tactic is especially good if the fuels are locally produced .

  30. 对中华文明和谐精神内核的精辟阐述;

    Incisive expounding on the spiritual kernel of concordance in Chinese civilization ;