
yánɡ Dì
  • execrated last emperor of the Sui dynasty
  1. 隋唐时期,便出现关于炀帝故事的民间传说。

    Sui and Tang dynasties , the story and legend had appeared on Emperor Sui Yang .

  2. 西元六百一十四年,炀帝再次集结了侵略军但又一次因国内动荡而放弃了他的征服计划。

    In614 AD , Yang-ti assembled another invasion army but again internal rifts forced him to abandon his quest .

  3. 大业十四年(618)三月,宇文化及在江都发动兵变,缢杀炀帝。

    In the 14th year of Daye ( 618 ) , Yuwen Huaji in Jiangdu staged a mutiny and hanged Emperor Yang .

  4. 以炀帝为题材创作的诗文、戏曲、小说等历代层出不穷,在中国文学史上产生了深远影响。

    The poetry , drama , novels about Emperor Sui Yang are very colorful , and has a profound impact in history of Chinese literature .

  5. 他最终被炀帝赐死的原因是因为他在朝堂上公开赞扬高颎,使得炀帝将他看作改革的绊脚石所致。

    He was eventually Yang Di Ci dead because he publicly praised the DPRK-classroom high Jiong , Yang Tai makes his due as a stumbling block to reform .

  6. 隋初派监察御史负责监察地方,炀帝改革监察体制。

    In the first years of the Sui Dynasty , the Emperor dispatched supervisory censors to be in charge of supervising the localities . Emperor Sui & Yang reformed the supervisory system .

  7. 炀帝朝前期,由于炀帝鼓励文学创作,此时的创作在此繁荣起来,南北文风的融合也初步显现出来。

    Tai Chao-yang early , as the Yang Di encouraged literature , prose writing at this time flourished in the north and south of the fusion style of writing is also the initial surface .

  8. 通过对隋炀帝面临的社会问题、隋炀帝的历史功绩、隋炀帝对后世的深远影响、隋炀帝的过失、隋炀帝的时代局限性等方面进行论述,力求对隋炀帝进行科学的历史定位。

    It adjudges Emperor Sui Yang from five chief aspects : the social problems which Emperor Sui Yang faced , his merits , his profound significance on the later ages , his faults and his limitation .

  9. 隋朝是承前启后的一个朝代,在文帝统治时期和炀帝统治初期,中国的政治、经济、军事、文化等各方面均有所巩固和发展。

    Sui Dynasty was a transitional dynasty . During the Emperor Wen and the Emperor Yang 's earlier governing period , China 's politics , economy , military , culture and so on had consolidated and developed .

  10. 炀帝继位后,采取一系列措施巩固政权,经济、军事、外交等都取得进一步发展,但终因残虐百姓而亡,其事本来就富有传奇性。

    Emperor Sui Yang ascended the throne , and adopted a series of measures to consolidate political power , economic , military , diplomatic and so on having further development . However , he died for maltreating people , which was legendary .

  11. 大业十三年(617),瓦岗军进逼东都,这时炀帝已南下江都,以越王侗留守东都。

    In the 13th year of Daye ( 617 ) , the Wagang Army attacked the Eastern Capital . At that time , Emperor Yang was journeying south to Jiangdu , with Tong the Prince of Yue staying to defend the Eastern Capital .
