
  1. 本文首先探讨资产证券化意见书的性质,接着从正反两面探讨资产证券化律师意见书对于投资者及公众的外部性影响。

    This article first examines the nature of legal opinions in securitization .

  2. 民族地区旅游开发中的外部性影响及其消除

    The Exteriority Influence and its Elimination of Tourism Development in National Regions

  3. 征地中的外部性影响分析

    Analysis on the impact of externality in land expropriation

  4. 农村教育对农村劳动力流动的外部性影响研究

    Research on the External Impact of Rural Education to the Flow of Rural Labor Force

  5. 持续与强烈的农业开发活动对水资源分配利用产生外部性影响。

    Sustainable and intensive agricultural development activities have an external impact on the allocation and utilization of water resources .

  6. 所提的专案或项目有关的外部性影响有多重要?环境和社区能否承受改变?

    How important are the externalities associated with proposed projects or programs ? Can the environment and society withstand the changes ?

  7. 主要研究内容如下:(1)网络外部性影响银行技术创新扩散的基础理论研究。

    The main contents are as follows : ( 1 ) Research on the fundamental theories which are the basis of the models constructed .

  8. 外部性影响因素包括:政府支持、市场变动、新能源新材料、公众压力、法律制度、经济支持等6个。

    Exterior factors include government sustainment , market fluctuation , new energy resource and new materials , public consciousness pressure , legal system and local regulation , and economic assistance .

  9. 本文在考虑网络外部性影响的情况下,将产品质量作为衡量网络产品纵向差异的因素,研究了完全兼容和完全不兼容两种情况下网络产业最优市场结构的问题。

    Considering the impact of network externalities , the paper studies the optimal market structure of network industries based on the point that quality is the dominant dimension of vertical differentiation .

  10. 本文通过分析城中村土地增值的影响因素,指出影响城中村土地增值的显著原因是位置变化与外部性影响。

    The paper analyzes the influencing factors of land value increment , and points out that the reasons of land value increment are relative to the location change and external economy of land in use .

  11. 为建立明晰的产权,降低外部性影响,就要打破当前密集的海域使用格局,合理划分海域使用区,预留合理发展海域。

    In order to set up clear property rights and reduce the external impact , it is necessary to break the current pattern of marine space which is intensively exploited , to project the reasonable marine exploration space , and to reserve appropriate marine area for development .

  12. 本文从阻碍阶层间交往、加剧社会资源分配不公、增加社会治理成本、降低社会和城市整体的和谐程度等多个层面论述了居住分异带来的负社会外部性影响。混合居住意义深远。

    The author discussed the negative social externality effects that caused by the differentiation of living from aggravating the inequitable distribution of resources , increasing social control costs , reducing the overall harmony of the community and city level and other levels . Mixed live has a profound significance .

  13. 在理论分析的基础上,以公共基础设施为例进行实证检验,确定地方政府行为对相邻区域经济增长的外部性影响。第七章,应对区域经济外部性的对策研究。

    On the basis of theoretical analysis , based on the example of public infrastructure as an empirical test , to determine the external effect on economic development of neighborhood regions under the behavior of local governments . Chapter ⅶ Research on countermeasures to deal with regional economic externalities .

  14. 首先,从外部性的影响效果,将城市轨道交通外部性分为正外部性和负外部性,论述了城市轨道交通的负外部性及其对策。

    Firstly , the urban rail transit externality is classified into the positive and the negative according to the effect of the externality influence .

  15. 在新疆,植棉业是新疆农业的主要支柱产业,受到正外部性的影响极大,棉花收益严重外溢,大大挫伤了棉农的积极性。

    In Xinjiang , the cotton industry is the mainstay of the Xinjiang agricultural industry , under the influence of positive externalities greatly , and cotton yield serious spillover , greatly dampened the enthusiasm of farmers .

  16. 毫无疑问,成百上千公顷的大农户是真正的独立决策者而不受决策外部性的影响;少数几个较大的生产者也比较容易通过商业谈判达成一致决策。

    There is no doubt that large farmers with thousands hectares lands is truly independent decision-makers and they would not be impacted by the externality of decision-making ; a small number of large producers will be easier to reach agreement through commercial negotiation .

  17. 一方面是环境规制通过消除外部性对FDI影响的机理分析,另一方面则是基于波特假设的环境规制影响FDI的机理分析。

    On the one hand , environmental regulations affect FDI by eliminating the impact of externalities ; on the other hand , environmental regulations affect FDI based on the " Porter hypothesis " .

  18. 消费外部性的福利影响分析

    An Analysis of the Welfare Effect of Consumption Externalities

  19. 除了那一点,还有外部性因素会影响到程序交付公司组织的方式。

    Other than that , there are external factors that impact the way your application delivery organization operates .

  20. 外部性的动态影响是存在的,且对产出的影响比静态外部性更大。

    The dynamic effects of externalities are existent , and the impact on output is greater than static externalities .

  21. 从技术产品的特性来看,又可以分为以网络外部性为主要影响因素的路径依赖,和以学习效应为主要影响因素的路径依赖。

    According to characteristic of the technological products , technological path dependence can be influenced by two factors : network externalities and learning effects .

  22. 我国农村金融的技术效率和规模效率受到了外部环境的显著性影响。

    The external environment has a significant influence on the technical efficiency and scale efficiency .

  23. 之后,本文对企业集群外部性的机制、影响和治理展开分析。

    After that , analyses of the mechanisms , influences , and governance of firm duster externalities are presented .

  24. 网络产品厂商必须充分了解和有效利用网络外部性的特征及影响,来构造有利的经营战略和赢利模式。

    Network product manufacturers must fully understand and effectively utilize the character and influence of network externalities to construct beneficial business strategy and profitable mode .

  25. 同时考虑网络外部性和兼容性的影响作用,及彼此的关联关系,为后续更精确的定性研究提供研究基础。

    Because of taking into account the influences of network externalities and compatibilities , even their relationships , a basis for more accurate qualitative further study has been provided .

  26. 现行的学习评价由于受到外部选拔性评价的影响而发生异化:突出检查鉴定功能,而忽视促进学生发展功能。

    However , the learning evaluation nowadays has being changed because of the selection evaluation . It overlooks the students ' development but protruding the function of examine and determine .

  27. 总的来看,各种外部性对产出的影响可以持续到滞后三期,并且在的第三年时(滞后二期)影响达到最大。

    On the whole , the impact of externalities on output can last three lag terms , and in the third year ( lags two ), the impact reaches the maximum level . ( 3 ) .

  28. 以市场动态发展的观点,通过构建动态古诺模型,讨论网络外部性作为进入壁垒影响企业的市场进入决策以及市场结构动态调整的问题。

    From the evolution point of view , by constructing dynamic Cournot model , the paper analyzes the network externalities ′ effects as entry barriers on enterprises decisions of markets entries and dynamic evolution of market structure .

  29. 作为一项颇受争议的对外政策工具,国际经济制裁的实施对不同行为体之间的权力和财富具有再分配的效果,由此而导致的外部性不可避免地会影响其效率。

    As a kind of foreign policy tool with much controversy , the imposition of International economic sanction has reallocation effects in power and wealth among different actors , the externalities resulted from which will inevitably influences the effectiveness of sanctions .

  30. 在跨界环境问题上,本文指出,跨界环境具有很强的外部性,外部性的存在影响地方污染的排放水平,并且跨界环境能影响经济增长与环境的既定关系。

    And the dissertation maintains that cross-boundary environmental issues involve a strong externality . Externality influences pollution emission and inhere relationship between economic growth and environment .