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zhuǎn zhù
  • Reinjection;mutually explanatory or synonymous characters;mutually explanatory characters in Chinese
转注 [zhuǎn zhù]
  • [mutually explanatory characters in Chinese] 汉学六书之一。清代学者戴震、段玉裁说,转注就是互训,意义上相同或相近的字互引解释

转注[zhuǎn zhù]
  1. 稠油油藏蒸汽吞吐后转注CO2吞吐开采研究

    Study on cyclic carbon dioxide injection after steam soak in heavy oil reservoir

  2. 利用物理模拟技术,对蒸汽吞吐后期的稠油油藏转注CO2吞吐技术以改善其开采效果的机理进行了研究,结果表明,蒸汽吞吐后期油藏转注CO2吞吐开采:①增加了弹性驱能量;

    The cyclic carbon dioxide injection technology to improve heavy oil production after steam soak was studied by physical simulation .

  3. 对随机挑取的转注c基因植株三个株系萌发的T。代种子进行Gus染色和xZ适合性测验,结果表明其遗传规律均符合孟德尔规律,呈3:l单基因显性的孟德尔式分离。

    GUS staining and x2 test of the germinated seeds of TO generation selected randomly from three transgenic lines with AC gene indicated that the segregation conformed to Mendellian law .

  4. 胜利河146区块两口油井转注水前分别用J1和高分子量阳离子聚合物作防膨预处理,注水效果明显不同,与岩心流动实验结果相类似。

    The water injection performance of two converted production wells pretreated by J 1 and a CP , respectively , is notably different and similar to that in core flow experiments .

  5. 高含水油藏转注蒸汽三维物理模拟研究

    3D physical model of steam injection in high water-cut reservoir

  6. 砾岩油藏注水转注蒸汽开发的认识

    Development of the Conglomerate Reservoirs by Converting Water Injection Into Steam Injection

  7. 注水后期转注蒸汽试验及应用前景

    Pilot Testing of Steam Injection in High-Water-Cut Stage And Its Application Prospect

  8. 并认为转注也是一种比较特殊的造字法,从而对其进行了新的诠释。

    In addition , the paper also provides the new interpretation to the Zhuanzhu .

  9. 转注是传统汉字结构理论的“六书”之一。

    Transcription is one of the six categories of traditional structural theory of Chinese characters .

  10. 通过对实验结果的分析,寻找油田保持压力的界限及最佳转注时机。

    By analyzing the experiment data , the optimum time of water injection could be found .

  11. 造成这种一词多形多音的原因是“转注”和方音。

    Mutual explanation and dialects are the causes for the variant characters and pronunciations of this word .

  12. 它是在已有转注母字的基础上,通过加注类首符号再造新字。

    Its way to create new characters is to add some symbol that is similar to initials to existing synonymous letters .

  13. 以传统的预浸布或树脂转注成型来说,要避免树脂过多,或是树脂缺乏区域,甚至在成品性能上妥协,是一件困难的事。

    It would be difficult with complex shape to use prepreg mat or RTM process without having resin-starved or resin-rich area , compromising performance .

  14. 在岩心渗透率级别相同的情况下,越早转注聚其相对渗透率曲线两相区跨度越大,残余油饱和度越低。

    For the cores of same permeability , the earlier polymer flooding is , the wider two-phase region , the lower residual oil saturation . 4 .

  15. 微电弧熔炼成形、电渣转注成形、喷射沉积成形、金属泥成形、电磁铸造成形及自蔓延成形等冶金新技术相继发展,形成材料制备科学的新分支&近终成形技术。

    A new branch-near net shape technology has been developed with the developing of new metallurgical technology including miniature arc melting shape , electroslag pouring casting , Osprey .

  16. 结果表明:聚合物质量浓度越高,采收率越大,产出液处理量越小,经济效益越大;越早转注高质量浓度聚合物驱采收率越大;

    The results indicate that the higher the polymer concentration is , the better the recovery result is , the less the treatment of the product fluid is .

  17. 第六、作为构形原理和方法的“转注”,其本质是改造原有汉字的旧形,使之更加适用语言社团用字的需要。

    Sixth , as the principle and method , the nature of Zhuanzhu is to change the formation of the old characters to meet the needs of the society .

  18. 在油井转注时,可先注入109PV的含粘土稳定剂的水溶液。

    In order to avoid water sensitivity , when oil well is converted into injection well , 1 09 PV of water solution containing clay stabilizer can be initially injected .

  19. 在正式转注之前,需对2种注入方式进行室内实验和对比分析,并优选适当的添加剂,以便为探索蒸汽驱合理的结束方式提供依据。

    Before the conversion , 2 injection methods shall be tested and correlated in laboratory , and proper additives shall be selected to find a proper ending way of steam drive .

  20. 张店油田进入注水开发以来,由于储层存在着严重的水敏、乳化液堵等伤害,致使油井转注较为困难。

    Due to serious sensitivity to water and plugging by emulsification liquid , it was difficult to convert oil well to water injection well since water flood recovery in Zhangdian Oilfield .

  21. 基于这些理论给出了高含水后期压裂、堵水、补孔、提液、关井、转注等增产措施的优选方法。

    Based on these theories , it provides fracturing , water plugging , reperforating , produced fluid enhancing , well shut-in , converted injection and other stimulation treatments for preferred method .

  22. 这样模拟了深低温停循环过程,这个过程中心肺转注机降低病人血温,以使组织器官氧需接近为零。

    This mimics the process of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest that is achieved when cardiopulmonary bypass machines cool a patient 's blood until the oxygen demand of organs and tissue is nearly zero .

  23. 在转注聚时机一定的情况下,岩心渗透率越高,两相区跨度越大,残余油饱和度越低,采收率越高。

    For the same time of beginning polymer flooding , the higher the core permeability is , the wider two-phase region , the lower residual oil saturation , the higher the recovery . 5 .

  24. 水驱后的剩余油饱和度是影响水驱油藏能否转注蒸汽开发的主要因素,当剩余油饱和度不小于0.4时,水驱后油藏可转注蒸汽开发。

    Remaining oil saturation after waterflooding was the main factor affecting whether the waterflooding reservoir can be converted into steam injection . When the remaining oil saturation was not less than 0.4 , the waterflooding reservoir can be changed into steam injection .

  25. 提出了一个评价油井转注降低油水井数比改变液流方向措施可行性的计算公式,其推导基础是投入产出平衡原则。

    A formula for evaluating feasibility of measuring for changing direction of liquid flow by relying on changing type of wells to reduce producer-injector ratio has been proposed , which the derived basis is the principle of balance of input and output ratio .

  26. 结果表明:高质量浓度聚合物驱转注时机越早或聚合物溶液的质量浓度越高,都能使原油采收率比水驱提高到或超过20%;

    The results on artificial cores with a Dykstra-Parson Coefficient of 0.72 show that an incremental recovery over water flooding of more than 20 % OOIP can be obtained by early injection of the high concentration polymer solution , the earlier the better .

  27. 在不同聚驱阶段注高浓聚合物均能进一步提高采收率,室内研究表明,不同时机转注高浓度聚合物比普通聚驱提高采收率幅度大,早注好于晚注。

    The recovery can be enhanced through injecting high concentration polymer in different polymer flooding period . Indoor research indicates that injecting high concentration polymer according to different time can enhance more recovery than that of ordinary polymer flooding , and the sooner the better .

  28. 在雷公油田极复杂断块内转注雷4-10井与雷3-6井,周围4口油井均取得了增油效果,证明了极复杂断块内是可以进行注水开发的。

    After turning Well L4-10 and Well L3-6 into water well in the super complex fault zone of Leigong Oilfield , four wells around them all get the water flooding effects , demonstrating that the waterflood development in the super complex fault zones is advisable .

  29. 两组长岩心驱替实验研究表明,先注0.04PV的水时采出程度为6.35%,转注氮气后,见气时的采出程度为43.77%;

    Two long-core displacement tests show that the recovery percent of reserves is 6.35 % when injected water volume is equivalent to 4 % pore volume . After converting to nitrogen injection , recovery percent of reserves is 43.77 % at the point of gas breakthrough .

  30. 合理开发方式为注水井排与裂缝方向平行的线状注水方式,裂缝穿透率应控制在40%左右,注水井排采油井含水80%时为最佳转注时机。

    The linear waterflooding pattern , with the injector array parallel to the fractures , is most desirable for the reservoir development and the fracture penetration coefficient should be controlled by around 40 % . The best conversion opportunity is at the watercut point of 80 % .