
  1. 获取Web服务的URL是一个先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题。

    Getting the URL for a Web service is a chicken-and-egg problem .

  2. 因此,解决devfs的“先有鸡还是先有蛋”问题的最好办法,可能就是使用初始封装器。

    Therefore , probably the best way to solve the devfs " chicken and egg " problem is to use an init wrapper .

  3. 但氢动力技术仍卡在一种类似先有鸡还是先有蛋的状况里。

    But hydrogen technology is stuck in a chicken and egg situation .

  4. 到底是先有鸡还是先有蛋呢?

    Which come first , chicken or egg ?

  5. 这似乎是“先有鸡还是先有蛋”的问题。

    It 's sort of a chicken-or-egg question .

  6. 当然是先有鸡。

    Of course the chicken came first !

  7. 这种类似“先有鸡还是先有蛋”的问题只能通过精心设计的临床对照干预试验来解答。

    Indeed , the ominous " chicken-or-the-egg " question can only be answered by carefully controlled clinical intervention trials .

  8. 而如今他们相信自己已经成功破解究竟是先有鸡还是先有蛋。

    But now they believe they have cracked the conundrum of what came first : the chicken or the egg .

  9. 王晋琦自己说,这就像“先有鸡还是先有蛋”的问题一样。

    According to him , it is like the " chicken or egg " issue as to which came first .

  10. 女:我说的是鸡,女:是先有鸡,特伦斯:屋里有十只鸡!

    Woman : I say the chicken Woman : It 's the chicken Terrence : Ten Chicken is in the building !

  11. 据当地媒体报道,印度北方邦出现了一幕典型的“先有鸡还是先有蛋”的情况。

    In the northern state of Uttar Pradesh , a classic'chicken-and-egg'scenario is playing out , according to reports in the local media .

  12. 他认为那些认为先有鸡后生蛋的人错了,如果他们争论说第一个发生变异的鸡蛋属于“非鸡”的鸟父母。

    He told PA people were mistaken if they argued that the mutant egg belonged to the " non-chicken " bird parents .

  13. 英国家在应用最新电脑技术尝试破解这一古老谜题后宣称,很有可能是先有鸡后有蛋。

    Scientists in Britain think it was probably the chicken , after using new computer technology to try and crack the age-old riddle .

  14. 这件事在该国引起轰动,斯里兰卡《每日镜报》总结道:原来是先有鸡,后有蛋啊!

    The story made headlines in Sri Lanka , with the Sri Lankan Daily Mirror concluding : The chicken came first ; not the egg .

  15. 他们发现,有一种叫做卵黄钙蛋白的蛋白质对于蛋壳的形成至关重要,而这一物质生成于受孕母鸡的卵巢之中。所以,正确的答案是先有鸡。

    It is produced in the pregnant hen 's ovaries , so the correct reply to the egg riddle must be that the chicken came first .

  16. 这件事在该国引起轰动,斯里兰卡《每日镜报》总结道:“原来是先有鸡,后有蛋啊!

    The story made headlines in Sri Lanka , with the Sri Lankan Daily Mirror concluding : " The chicken came first ; not the egg . "

  17. 英国研究人员表示,一定是先有鸡,因为鸡蛋的构造取决于在母鸡卵巢中发现的一种蛋白。

    British researchers say the chicken must have come first as the formation of eggs is only possible thanks to a protein found in the chicken 's ovaries .

  18. 可能我们永远不会知道先有鸡还是先有蛋,但是科学家们发现的一个海龟化石揭示了它们是如何长出龟壳的?

    We may never know if the chicken or the egg came first , but scientists have discovered a fossil that sheds light on how turtles got their shells .

  19. 英国伦敦&这是一个始终困扰科学家和学者的难题,也是酒吧里常争论的话题:到底是先有鸡,还是先有蛋了?

    LONDON , England & It 's a question that has baffled scientists , academics and pub bores through the ages : What came first , the chicken or the egg ?

  20. 今日斯里兰卡一只母鸡没有经过孵蛋就生下了一只小鸡,为先有鸡还是先有蛋的古老问题提出了新的想法。

    A Sri Lanka hen has given birth to a chick without an egg , in a new twist on the age-old question of whether the chicken or the egg came first .

  21. 正如经典的“先有鸡还是先有蛋”的问题一样,有人会问:“我们应该先改变文化还是先采用迭代开发?”

    In the style of the classic " chicken or egg first " question , one might ask : " Which should come first , culture change or the adoption of iterative development ?"

  22. 首先是数据的问题,通常被称为是先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题:语义应用需要语义数据引导,而语义数据则依赖于更多的语义应用来产出。

    There is first a data issue , commonly referred to as the " chicken-and-egg problem ": semantic applications require bootstrapping semantic data , which cannot be available until enough semantic applications produce it .

  23. 也许这是这个榜单上最有趣的争论话题之一。关于“先有鸡还是先有蛋”的争论已经风靡了好几个世纪,因为这涉及到鸡是先发展进化、再繁殖,还是由蛋孵化而来的问题。

    Perhaps one of the most fun arguments on this list , the chicken or the egg debate has raged for centuries mainly because it asks the questions does the animal evolve and then reproduce or was it hatched ?

  24. 我们都听过那个经典的命题,“先有鸡还是先有蛋?”鸡是蛋孵出来的,但是蛋又是鸡生下来的,就这两个论点引发了无休无止的争论。

    We 've heard the classic expression , " which came first , the chicken or the egg ? " Chickens hatch from the eggs , but eggs are laid by the chickens , arousing endless debate over each side of the arguments .

  25. 科学哲学方面的专家Papineau先生同意这样的观点,即第一只鸡是鸡蛋孵出的并且是先有鸡蛋后有鸡。

    Mr Papineau , an expert in the philosophy of science , agreed that the first chicken came from an egg and that proves there were chicken eggs before chickens .

  26. 说世界上是先有蛋后有鸡。

    Said that eggs came first .