
jiù jì quán
  • remedy;right to relief;remedial right;secondary right
  1. 民事执行救济权实现机制,实质就是民事执行救济制度。

    The mechanism of realization of the secondary right of civil execution is the system of executive relief in essence .

  2. 第二章:民事执行救济权作用空间&民事执行瑕疵。

    Second chapter : Functional space of the secondary right of civil execution & the slight defect of civil execution .

  3. 保障措施是WTO在推行贸易自由化的大前提下赋予各成员方在特殊情况下保护国内产业的一种救济权。

    Safeguard Measures is a remedy granted to the Members by WTO for the protection of domestic industries under the premise that WTO is established in order to promote liberalization of trade .

  4. 公民行政诉讼救济权的保护

    The Protection of Citizens ' Right of Relief in Administrative Proceedings

  5. 第二,调整救济权的分配。

    Second , the right to adjust the distribution of relief .

  6. 税收征纳后的纳税人程序权是纳税人救济权,主要包括税务行政复议权和税务行政诉讼权。

    It mainly includes tax administrative reconsideration right and tax administrative litigation right .

  7. 对纳税人救济权的保护符合权利救济理论与税收公平原则,有着坚实的理论依据。

    The relief right of taxpayer bases on the theory of remedy and justice .

  8. 论救济权的救济&诉权的宪法保障研究

    Relief of the Right of Relief & Research on constitutional protection of the right of action

  9. 司法救济权研究

    On the Right to Judicial Remedy

  10. 第二,我国宪法应当确认司法救济权。

    Secondly , the right to judicial remedy ought to be admitted in our constitutional document .

  11. 刑事被害人的上诉权,从其存在的形态来看,属应有权利,从性质来看,属诉讼救济权。

    Appeal right of criminal victim belongs to dutiable right in pattern and legal relief right in quality .

  12. 而对于管辖权异议的处理结果,双方当事人都可以行使程序上的救济权。

    To the results of the objection to jurisdiction , each party can exercise the right of procedural relief .

  13. 第三节讨论了私权救济权与民事责任的同一性问题。

    The third section gives out that the right of claim for remedy and the civil liability is the same thing .

  14. 对于救济权的现有实现模式的总结概括是展开制度研究的基础。

    The summarizing of the implementation style for the right of relief is the basis to develop the research for the institutions .

  15. 同时认为法律应当赋予占有人自力救济权,但是应当严格规定自力救济权的行使要件。

    At the same time that a law shall give possessor self-help , but shall strict rules right exercise right self-help observationally .

  16. 请求权不同于债权,他们是原权利与救济权的关系。

    The claim is different with the creditor 's rights and the relationship between is that between the original rights and their relief .

  17. 商业名称权的主要内容包括专用权、许可权、转让权及救济权。

    The right of trade name main contains right of use , right of licensing , right of transferring and right of obtaining compensation .

  18. 本文对公民行政诉讼救济权概念和内涵进行初步界定,并探讨了其保障的具体机制。

    The paper defines the concept and connotation of citizens ' right of relief in administrative proceedings , and then discusses the concrete protection system .

  19. 国外宪法确认司法救济权的方式主要有默示、明示和其他三种方式。

    In some western countries , the modes with respect to affirming the right to judicial remedy are mainly implied mode , express mode and other mode .

  20. 此外,救济权的权利属性和价值分析也是深刻理解救济权所必须涉及的问题。

    Except that , the attribution and the value analysis of the right of relief is the question that refers to how to understand the right of relief .

  21. 生命权是近代社会确立的人的三大自然权利之一。生命权不仅包括生命安全维护权和司法保护救济权,还应包括生命利益支配权。

    As one of the three largest natural rights , the right of life contains not only the life safeguard and justice protection but also the life interest control .

  22. 提出诉权理论与两法关系理论不是彼此依附的关系,他们之间是相互独立的;诉权,是指公民向法院提出的司法救济权。

    Here it is stated that litigation right theory is independent of two laws . Litigation right , is the right that citizens put forward to court to give judicatory helps .

  23. 我们应该从行使审查批捕救济权的主体、期间、法定事由、方式以及受理机关和处理方式等方面来构建审查批捕救济程序。

    We should start from the main exercise to review the right to arrest relief , during the statutory subject matter , methods to construct a procedure of relief to examined arrest .

  24. 程序性救济权,也可称其为获得程序帮助权,是指为公民权利的保障提供立法、行政或司法上的救济途径,也即恢复受损权利的权利。

    The procedural right of relief also namely the right to get help procedurally , which means to provide the relief channels to the individual rights from legislation , administration or justice .

  25. 其次,通过股东知情权、累积投票权和救济权的论述,完善对少数股东权利的保护。

    Secondly , the protection of the right of the minority shareholders should be improved by entitling shareholders the right to know , the right of cumulative voting and the right of accepting relief .

  26. 竞争权可以从不同的角度进行分类,从内容上可以将其分为自由竞争权、公平竞争权和竞争救济权。

    The right of competition can be classified in many sides , it can be classified into the right of competitive freedom , the right of competitive fairness , and the right of competitive relief .

  27. 宪法权利救济权是宪法规定的公民基本权利,其历史进步意义是显而易见的,但该救济权的实现和宪法的最高法律地位不和谐。

    The right to be relieved in civil constitutional right is stipulated as one of basic civil rights by constitution , which owns the highest legal status . The historic progressive meaning of this is obvious .

  28. 具体而言,纳税人税权由纳税人的税收使用权、税收知情权、税收参与权、税收监督权和救济权等具体权利构成。

    Particularly , taxpayer 's tax right consists of the taxpayer 's tax revenue right to use , right of being in know , right to participate in , authority to supervise , relieving right , etc.

  29. 通过赋予加害人和被害人在刑事和解程序中的救济权,保障双方的合法权利,严肃刑事和解的效力。

    Giving the right to relief of the offender and the victim in the criminal reconciliation procedures , the law can safeguard the legal rights of both sides and make the effectiveness of criminal reconciliation formal .

  30. 文章从权利体系的分析,认为消灭时效的适用范围既不是支配权、形成权、抗辩权,也不是原权利,而是属于救济权性质的请求权。

    By analyzing the system of right , the author thinks the scope of prescription extinctive is not right of disposition , right of formation right of contradiction 、 right of entity , but right of claim .