
  1. 小苏打水可以清洗腐蚀电池的两端。

    Clean corroded battery terminals with baking soda and water .

  2. 用小苏打水来速口可以预防溃疡。

    Gargle baking soda water to help with ulcers .

  3. 可用小苏打水擦亮你的银器。

    Use it with water to polish your silver .

  4. 在洗衣服前可先用小苏打水浸泡衣服上的油渍。

    Soak oil or grease stains with baking soda and water before washing the clothes .

  5. 如果你爱吃鱼但又不喜欢那惺味的话,不妨将鱼浸泡在小苏打水里然后在冰箱里放上一小时。

    If you like fish but hate the smell , soak your fish in water and baking soda for an hour in the fridge .

  6. 将等量的小苏打和水混合,搅拌成膏体。

    Mix equal parts of baking soda and water to make a paste .

  7. 将小苏打和水混合搅拌成糊状,涂抹在被咬的地方。

    Mix a pasty solution of baking soda and water and apply to the affected area .

  8. 小苏打和水的混合液会将餐具上的污垢和油渍吸附,让餐具散发出光芒。

    The bicarbonate of soda and water will lift the dirt and grease from the cutlery and bring out the shine .

  9. 需要确定土地的酸性是否适宜种植时,可在1.4C小苏打和2C水的溶液里加入1C的土。

    Need to determine if your soil is acidic for planting ? Mix1.4 c baking soda and2 c water .

  10. 小苏打加少量水可以做成很好的合金清洗剂。

    Mix it with a little water as a great chrome cleaner .

  11. 将三份小苏打和一份水混合,将膏体涂抹在瘙痒部位。

    Mix three parts baking soda with one part water and apply the resulting paste to the itchy area .