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xiǎo qǔr
  • ditty;popular tune;roundelay;bagatelle
小曲儿 [xiǎo qǔ ér]
  • [popular tune] 小调

小曲儿[xiǎo qǔr]
  1. 他们说着荤段子,哼着不着调的小曲儿。

    They told dirty jokes and sang raucous ballads

  2. 她哼着一支欢快的小曲儿。

    She was humming a merry little tune

  3. 他一边拨弄着炉火,一边快乐地哼着小曲儿。

    He was humming merrily as he stoked the fire .

  4. 他们走进教室时,她在那里笑眯眯地哼着小曲儿。

    She was humming and smiling to herself when they entered the room .

  5. 忽儿,米考伯先生看上去极其痛苦、消沉,忽儿,他又会边擦皮鞋边哼哼小曲儿准备外出。

    One moment Mr Micawber looked extremely miserable and depressed , the next he was brushing his shoes and singing a song before going out .

  6. 正如他们在《动物的认知》中描述的一样,不管是陌生人还是狗的主人哼唱小曲儿,有时候狗的确会对人类的这些活动作出一定回应,但哭泣的人吸引到狗注意的概率比唱歌的人要高出两倍以上。

    As they report in Animal Cognition , " person-oriented behaviour " did sometimes take place when either the stranger or the owner hummed , but it was more than twice as likely to occur if someone was crying .