
  1. TST碎石填充型伸缩装置在中小桥上的应用

    Application of " TST " Crushed Stone Expand - Contract Installation of Filling Type in Middle and Small Bridges

  2. 小桥上坑坑洞洞,你得特别小心地走过去。

    The little bridge had holes in it and you had to walk rather carefully .

  3. 他们从一座简陋的小桥上过了河,只见这座小桥和周围的景色很是调和。

    They crossed it by a simple bridge , in character with the general air of the scene ;

  4. 站在横跨瀑布的小桥上,可以欣赏到四周美丽的景色。

    Standing on the bridge , which crosses the waterfall , one can have some nice views on the surrounding area .

  5. 在这一带山区,河川很多,铁路必须从污水河、清水河以及其他河流的小桥上穿过。

    There were many creeks in this mountainous region , and it was necessary to cross Muddy Creek , Green Creek and others , upon culverts .

  6. 灰色的小桥横跨在运河上。

    Little grey bridges span the canals .