
  • 网络founder pneumoconiosis;foundry worker pneumoconiosis;Foundry Workers'Pneumoconiosis;casting pneumoconiosis;foundry pneumoconiosis
  1. 各类尘肺新发病例数以矽肺为首,石棉肺、铸工尘肺和电焊工尘肺次之。

    The cases of silicosis were ranking the first , with asbestosis , founder pneumoconiosis and welder pneumoconiosis followed .

  2. 目的探讨铸造粉尘对接尘工人和铸工尘肺患者肺功能的影响。

    [ Objective ] To study the effect of casting dust on the lung function of dust - exposed workers and casting workers with pneumoconiosis .

  3. 结论铸造粉尘既可以导致铸工尘肺患者肺功能不同程度的损伤,也可使0+和接尘工人肺功能有一定程度的损伤。

    The damage degree of the lung function was mainly light . [ Conclusion ] Casting dust may cause damage on the lung function of both casting workers with pneumoconiosis and O + and dust - exposed workers .

  4. 结果铸工尘肺、矽肺和石棉肺3种尘肺的肺区域性通气分布皆为两上肺区通气增加和两下肺区通气减少;

    Results The regional pulmonary ventilation of the three kinds of pneumoconiosis ( founder 's pneumoconiosis , silicosis and asbestosis ) was increased in both side of upper pulmonary region and decreased in both of lower pulmonary region .

  5. 结果铸工尘肺患者肺功能各项指标均低于对照组,肺功能损伤程度以轻、中度损伤为主;

    [ Results ] All the indexes of the lung function of the casting workers with pneumoconiosis were lower than that of the control group . The damage degree of the lung function was mainly light and middle degree .