
  • Goldfinger;Golden Finger;Cheats
  1. 没有人能够当真想象出这样的场景,类似于詹姆斯邦德(jamesbond)电影中‘金手指’扮演美联储记账员的角色。

    Nobody can seriously imagine scenarios like these , which are reminiscent of a James Bond movie with Goldfinger playing the role of a US Fed accounting clerk .

  2. 007系列电影主题曲第一名:雪莉·巴赛--《金手指》

    James Bond Themes 1 . " Goldfinger " by Shirley Bassey

  3. “棕手指”和“金手指”很像,只不过“金手指”是点石成金,而“棕手指”则是点金成土。

    The brown touch is similar to the Midas touch , but instead of everything they touch turning to gold , it becomes worthless .

  4. (浮点支持仍旧需要Evan金手指的一两下点拨)。

    The doubles support still needs a magic touch or two from Evan .

  5. 你需要的是金手指,运动技巧和一个精灵,它帮Mario赛车里的小盆友实现愿望。

    Raj : What you need is cheat codes , motor skills and a magic genie who grants wishes to little boys who suck at Mario Kart .

  6. 我会给你一个你无口袋妖怪叶绿金手指法拒绝的提议!

    I 'll make you an offer you can 't refuse !

  7. 2002中国之星全国包装及标志设计大奖金手指奖揭晓

    2002 " Stars of China " & Golden Finger Prize announced

  8. 生产的各种金手指点卡板很具特色,受到客户的一致好评。

    Production of boards Goldfinger Dianka very unique , by the client 's praise .

  9. 他个人最喜欢的是《金手指》中007所驾驶的阿斯顿-马丁汽车。

    One of his favorites is the Aston Martin that 007 drives in Goldfinger .

  10. 这种现象看似敌对行为,就像有一个金手指在推动它一样。

    That , as Goldfinger would have put it , looks like enemy action .

  11. 金手指包容性的张力

    Tension of the " Golden Finger "

  12. 这是金手指先生的套房!

    That 's Mr goldfinger 's suite !

  13. 冯小刚的金手指已经全面触伸到北美地区。

    The Midas touch of Feng Xiaogang is reaching all the way to North America .

  14. 手指:板边插接器的镀金接点。参考金手指。

    Finger - A gold-plated terminal of a card-edge connector . Also see Gold Finger .

  15. 带电插拔的金手指设计

    Golden Finger Design for Hot-Plug-in Boards

  16. 板含浸过程中遮蔽金手指部分和防止电镀液浸入及污染。

    Used in the masking operation during wave solder process on PCB , prevented electroplating liquid immersing and polluting .

  17. 从芝加哥到罗马小孩子都能确切地说出当金手指用激光枪威胁007时的对白:

    Small boys from Chicago to Rome could tell you exactly what 007 said when Goldfinger threatened him with a laser :

  18. 游戏中的金手指是制作者在游戏中放入的秘密代码,用来解开诸如无限速度、力量及健康等的对玩家有帮助的要素。

    Cheats are secret codes placed in the game by its creators that unlock helpful things such as unlimited speed , strength or health .

  19. 在詹姆士•邦德经典电影《金手指》中,臭名昭著的恶棍就是从这样的飞机窗户中被吸出去的。

    In the James Bond classic , " Goldfinger , " the eponymous villain is sucked out of the window of just such an aircraft .

  20. 工业胶带事业部:主要生产玛拉胶带、挡墙胶带、聚酰亚胺(金手指)胶带、铁氟龙胶带等各类高温胶带。

    Industry adhesive tape Unit : producing Mylar tape , Margin tape , Polyimide ( finger ) tape , Teflon tape and other types with high – temperature .

  21. 所以,尽管《触发动机》的故事发生在《金手指》结束两个星期之后,但它的主角却并不是——永远也不可能再是——同一个邦德了。

    So although " Trigger Mortis " begins two weeks after the end of " Goldfinger , " its protagonist isn 't - could never be - the same Bond .

  22. 《金手指》中的邦德是个大男子主义的酒鬼,他看不起女人,说过“这种事没必要让女人参与”之类的话;

    The Bond of " Goldfinger " isn 't only a sexist drunk who dismisses women by saying things like " There 's no point in being a suffragette about this " ;

  23. 在1964年上映的电影《金手指》中,詹姆斯·邦德因为在将要亲吻的邦女郎眼中反射出在自己身后男子的影像化解了一场即将发生的袭击事件。

    In the 1964 film Goldfinger , James Bond thwarts a would-be attacker approaching from behind after seeing the man 's reflection in the eyes of the woman he 's about to kiss .

  24. 康纳利不仅演了,而且异常精彩——六十年代有五部片子,从《否博士》到《爱在俄罗斯》,从《金手指》,《霹雳弹》到《你只有两次生命》。

    Play it Connery did , and splendidly - five times in all in the 60s . from Dr , No , From Russia with Love , Goldfinger and Thunderball to You Only Live Twice .

  25. 这首歌增添了《金手指》中反派人物奥里克的危险性(还有吸引力),但这仅仅只是雪莉·巴赛歌曲魔力的一部分。

    This is a song that makes the villain Auric Goldfinger seem a lot more threatening ( and attractive ) than he actually is , but that 's part of the miracle of Bassey 's work here .

  26. 生姜与金粉捣成的糊状物厚厚地涂抹到全身后,恰似《金手指》里雪莉伊顿的模样。

    Ginger and powdered gold are beaten into a paste and spread thickly over the body , giving it that Goldfinger look .