
  • 网络Lerov;Reynold;Reillo
  1. 总统授权中情局副局长雷洛培。

    The president authorises the deputy director CLA Robert ritter .

  2. 结论:盐酸雷洛昔芬可降低健康的中国绝经后妇女骨转换率,抑制骨吸收,可预防骨质疏松。

    CONCLUSION : RLX reduces bone turnover rate of the healthy Chinese postmenopausal women , inhibits bone resorption and prevents osteoporosis .

  3. 虽然存在这些副作用,三苯氧胺和另一种同类药物-雷洛西芬已经被广泛用于乳腺癌的治疗。

    Despite this risk , tamoxifen and another drug in this class , raloxifene , remain an extensively used and popular treatment .

  4. 我平时会服用一种此类药物——雷洛昔芬来保护我的骨骼,但既然它可能增加血栓风险,我会在至少四小时的飞行前三天停止服用该药物。

    I usually take one of those , raloxifene , prescribed to protect my bones . But it can increase the risk of a clot , so I stop taking three days before a plane trip of four or more hours .