
  1. 在理论上深掺杂Si材料比浅掺杂Si材料对温度的敏感性提高了约1000倍。

    It can enhance the temperature sensitivity by almost 1000 times .

  2. 惊艳的白色礼服配上深V领口,阿奎莱拉在今年的红毯上摇曳生姿赚足了风头,也完完全全地打了个翻身仗。

    In a stunning white gown with a plunging neckline , Aguilera completely redeemed herself with this year 's carpet sashay .

  3. 结论以热启动PCR为基础的单重PCR和三重PCR方法可能成为临床上深部真菌感染理想的快速诊断工具。

    Conclusion The simplex and triplex PCR approach based on highly specific hot-start PCR might be useful for quick detection of deep fugal infection in routine clinical laboratory practice .

  4. 如Aaker所提出的基于消费者的品牌资产模型虽然在品牌与消费者关系上深有洞见,但这一模型对品牌资产动态演进过程的阐释具有明显的局限性。

    For example , Aaker proposed a brand equity model in light of consumer . Although it had an insight into the relationship between brand and consumers , the model had not comprehensively interpreted the dynamic evolution mechanics of brand equity .

  5. 近代冲积平原上深基坑变形破坏模式及监测

    Deep Foundation Pit Deformation Destruction Modes on Current Alluvial Plain and Its Monitoring

  6. 她靠在门上深呼吸。

    She leant against the door , breathing deeply .

  7. 其产品在市场上深得广大用户的好评和信赖。

    The products enjoy great reputation in the market .

  8. 一样是义大利鳄鱼压纹羊皮,加上深蓝色丝绒!

    It 's Italian alligator sheepskin with navy velvet !

  9. 几乎不能考虑在陆地上深埋检波器。

    It is scarcely practical to consider deep burial of the detectors on land .

  10. 兹随函寄上深蓝色染料2500磅的订单一份,请查收。

    We transmit herewith an order for 2,500 Lbs. Bengal Indigo . Please find .

  11. 参照国际上深空探测器模型,对本文所使用的探测器进行实体化建模。

    The thesis depicts the spacecraft substantial modeling , based on many famous international spacecrafts .

  12. 在此同时,头顶上深蓝色的天空仍有繁星闪烁。

    At the same time , stars still sparkle in the deep blue sky above .

  13. 考虑循环软化效应的软基上深埋大圆筒结构承载力分析

    Analyses of bearing capacity for deeply-buried large-diameter cylindrical structure on soft clay considering cyclic-softening effect

  14. 配上深蓝色,体现出公司稳步向前的发展态势。

    It is dark blue to mix , embody the developing state of the company .

  15. 计算显示由于势能面上深势阱的存在,S+D2反应的产物转动角动量取向效应比较弱。

    Calculations indicate that the product rotational alignment effect for the S + D2 reaction is weak .

  16. 碳铵粒肥在非石灰性水稻土上深施的氮素供应状况

    Effect of DEEP-APPLICATION of prilled ammonium bicarbonate fertilizer on the nitrogen supplying status of Non-calcareous paddy soils

  17. 胃三色染色显示在黏膜下层胶原纤维沉积处染上深蓝色。

    This trichrome stain of the stomach demonstrates intense blue staining in the submucosa from the collagen deposition .

  18. 采用水上深基坑围护法建造特大型船坞坞口的创新设计

    Creative design of super large dry-dock head construction by means of deep steel sheet piling excavation in water area

  19. 并要在重施基肥的基础上深施肥和全层施肥,后期巧喷叶面肥。

    To apply basic fertilizer , want two layers deep and the whole Shi Shi , Qiao want three foliar spray .

  20. 然后她沿着睫毛周围涂上深棕色眼影,一直涂至双眼皮褶皱处,打造出层次感。

    She then creates depth by applying a dark brown shadow around her lashes and up to the crease of her eye lid .

  21. 她在眼圈周围描上深褐色和黑色眼线,最后粘上假睫毛,眼妆大功告成。

    She applied a dark brown and charcoal eyeliner around the rims of her eyes , before finishing the look with false lashes .

  22. 行星上深的山谷类似地球的美国大峡谷,被认为是由水冲蚀形成的。

    The planet has deep valleys similar to Earth 's own Grand Canyon , which are thought to have been carved by rushing water .

  23. 复兴航空首席执行长陈欣德在新闻发布会上深鞠躬,向乘客和机组人员致歉。

    The chief executive of TransAsia , Chen Xinde , bowed deeply at a televised news conference as he apologised to passengers and crew .

  24. 茅盾作为二十世纪中国文学史上深有影响的文学大师,为人生的文学观贯穿了他的整个文学生涯。

    As an influential master in Chinese literary history in 20th century , Mao Tun holds his literary belief of Art for life throughout his literary career .

  25. 国航原有256架飞机,加上深航的130架飞机,它在机队规模和线路上将成为这三家公司中的领头羊。

    The addition of Shenzhen Airlines ' 130 aircraft to Air China 's fleet of 256 will put it in the lead in terms of fleet size and routes .

  26. 文克尔地基基床系数取值的新途径(干船坞设计规范水工结构篇附录二方法说明及建议)采用水上深基坑围护法建造特大型船坞坞口的创新设计

    A New Way of Evaluating Bed Coefficients of Winkler 's Foundation Creative design of super large dry-dock head construction by means of deep steel sheet piling excavation in water area

  27. 由不锈铝合金锻造筋骨,又披上深褐色的玻璃外衣,518米高的西尔斯大厦昂然耸立在芝加哥的商业中心,它是这座城市最高的建筑。

    Forged from stainless aluminum and encased in bronze-tinted glass , the Sears Tower rises majestically over the business sector of Chicago to stand at518 m as the city 's tallest building .

  28. 一个冬天的下午,雪在门外的雪松四周飞舞,使树枝上深绿色的叶尖挂上了小小的冰柱。

    It was a wintry afternoon , the snow swirling around the cedar trees outside , forcing little icicles to form the tips of the deep green foliage clinging to the branches .

  29. 风城巨烛(西尔斯)由不锈铝合金锻造筋骨,又披上深褐色的玻璃外衣,518米高的西尔斯大厦昂然耸立在芝加哥的商业中心,它是这座城市最高的建筑。

    Forged from stainless aluminum and encased in bronze-tinted glass , the Sears Tower rises majestically over the business sector of Chicago to stand at 518 m as the city 's tallest building .

  30. 高温矿井通风网络均是复杂的通风网络。加上深部高温的影响,使得深井矿山井下环境的管理变得异常复杂。

    The ventilation network is always a complex one in the high temperature mine which makes the environment management in the deep mine become very difficult in addition to the effect of the high temperature .