
xiǎo guǐ
  • Kid;imp;little devil(a term of endearment in addressing a child);goblin
小鬼 [xiǎo guǐ]
  • (1) [imp;goblin]∶鬼神的差使

  • (2) [little devil(a term of endearment in addressing a child)]∶对小孩儿的亲昵称呼

小鬼[xiǎo guǐ]
  1. 他总有一个小鬼跟着。

    There 's a little imp always running with him .

  2. 诚实的说,我觉得在现在版本小鬼是OK的。

    Honestly I think the Imp is probably okay how it is right now .

  3. 这小鬼真精。

    That 's a really smart kid .

  4. 哈哈,小鬼,这下子可跑不了啦。

    Aha ; you can 't get away from me this time ; you little devil .

  5. 罗宾先生对他们说:"来吧,小鬼们,该你们唱歌了。"

    Mr Robin said to them , " Come , little robins , it is time for you to sing . "

  6. 魔鬼带头,难怪小鬼纷纷跟随

    No marvel if the imps follow when the devil goes before .

  7. 克朗斯塔特采用缩略词“Nickel”(即“小鬼”之意)命名新金属,汉语译名称为“镍”。

    The - nickel part of the term represents a pet form of the name Nikolaus , perhaps chosen for its resemblance to German nix ' water-sprite . "

  8. 尽管不二雄是因为创作了来自未来的机器猫多拉A梦和大雄这对拍档而闻名的,但是博物馆也展示了他的其它作品,包括了小鬼Q太郎以及其它作品。

    Although Fujio is most well-known for creating the duo of cat-from-the-future Doraemon and Nobita , the museum also showcases his other works including Obake no Q-taro and others .

  9. 这两个小鬼是Tammy跟小Ronnie。

    And these two little hellraisers are Tammy and Ronnie Jr.

  10. 因为小鬼不是一辆坦克,AI足够聪明,让小鬼移到了伤害距离之外从远处攻击。

    Since the Imp is not a tank , the AI was smart enough to make the Imp move out of harm 's way as he nuked from range .

  11. Chris是个可爱的家伙,有着狡黠幽默感,总是在舞台上扮演阳光男孩角色。他生不逢时,最擅长扮演《百老汇的小鬼》中MickeyRooney伙伴那种角色。

    Chris was a sweet guy with a sly sense of humor and a sunny stage presence . He was born out of his time , and would have felt most at home playing Mickey Rooney 's sidekick in Babes on Broadway .

  12. 小鬼全家都是荷兰芬洛的文洛足球队(简称VVV)的支持者,当年他的爷爷曾经是这支球队的职业球员。

    The boy and his family are supporters of the Venlose Voetbal Vereniging , or VVV , football team in the city of Venlo where Baerke 's grandfather once played as a professional .

  13. 干掉他吧!我去追那小鬼!

    Finish him off , I 'm going after the kid !

  14. 我不觉得那些拖着鼻涕虫的小鬼会像你说的那样。

    I can 't see some snotty-nose kid going this far .

  15. 社交网络中的小鬼是个大问题。

    Small children are a big headache for the social network .

  16. 小鬼周:小鬼产量加倍。

    Week of imp : double growth for IM and familiars .

  17. 看上去我们自己人出了一个恶作剧小鬼

    Looks like we 've got ourselves a little practical joker .

  18. 你知道到那小鬼住哪?

    Would you happen to know where this punk kid lives ?

  19. 你知道《小鬼当家》吗?它是一部喜剧。

    Do you know home alone ? It 's a comedy .

  20. 我们家那个两岁的小鬼老是出状况。

    A : Our two-year-old baby is always getting into trouble .

  21. 你还不知道我是个老胆小鬼。

    You do not know that I am an old coward .

  22. 你们这帮小鬼今天给我带来了很大的麻烦,尤其是你。

    You kids have really troubled me today * Specially you .

  23. 够了,我并不认为那些小鬼以及摇滚音乐会

    Okay , I don 't think that kids and rock concerts

  24. 但愿他们不把你看作胆小鬼吧,小伙子!

    I hope they don 't account you chicken-hearted , lad ?

  25. 你最好从我眼前消失,小鬼

    You better get out of my face , little boy .

  26. 又是那些小鬼,你去开门吧。

    It 's more trick or treaters , you get it .

  27. 阎王不在,小鬼跳梁。(猫儿不在,老鼠成精。)

    When the cat is away , the mice will play .

  28. 我们不能靠那些小鬼来给基恩打电话。

    We can 't rely on these monkeys to call gene .

  29. 你就是那个经常痛揍我弟弟的小鬼吗

    You 're the kid who 's been pounding my brother ?

  30. 这两个小鬼躲在附近的山洞里。

    The two imps took shelter in a nearby cave .