
yǒu zhǒnɡ
  • There are species;brave;have guts;courageous Tā zhēn ~. He sure has guts.
有种 [yǒu zhǒng]
  • [those who have guts] 有气魄,有胆量

  1. 我有种被人监视的奇怪感觉。

    I had an uncanny feeling I was being watched .

  2. 我有种感觉,人家并不欢迎我们参加这个会议。

    I had the feeling we were not welcome at the meeting .

  3. 你要是觉得自己有种,就冲着我来吧。

    Come and get me if you think you 're hard enough .

  4. 有种秘技,你可以用来到达下一关。

    There 's a cheat you can use to get to the next level .

  5. 有种浪漫的气氛。

    There 's romance in the air .

  6. 我有种感觉——我以前曾在哪里见过他。

    I 've got a feeling I 've seen him before somewhere

  7. 她脸上有种茫然的神情。

    She had a kind of vacant look on her face .

  8. 在昨日星辰客栈,我总有种宾至如归的感觉。

    I always feel at home at Ye Olde Starre Inn .

  9. 我陷入消沉,开始对死亡有种病态的迷恋。

    I slid into a depression and became morbidly fascinated with death .

  10. 潜意识里有种让他不安的东西。

    Something was nagging in the back of his mind .

  11. 哈里觉得看到她有种难以言喻的哀伤。

    Harry thought the sight of her was inexpressibly poignant .

  12. 我心头有种怪怪的感觉。

    I had a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach .

  13. 她脸上有种严肃、冷峻的表情。

    There was something a little severe and forbidding about her face .

  14. 肯尼特先生有种很奇怪的幽默感。

    Mr Kennet has a rather peculiar sense of humour

  15. 几乎明显有种无望的感觉。

    There is an almost palpable feeling of hopelessness .

  16. 整株药草有种独特的味道和气味。

    The whole herb has a characteristic taste and odour

  17. 双手可能会有种刺痛感或灼热感。

    A sensation of burning or tingling may be experienced in the hands .

  18. 我有种不安的感觉,觉得他会把事情搞糟。

    I had an uneasy feeling that he was going to spoil it .

  19. 我有种感觉,事情总有一天会变得对我们有利的。

    I have a feeling that everything will come right for us one day

  20. 我有种感觉:你会在这件事上找别扭。

    I had a feeling you were going to be difficult about this .

  21. 这地毯有种银色的光泽。

    The carpet had a silvery sheen to it .

  22. 他有种恶作剧式的幽默感。

    He had a puckish sense of humour .

  23. 大部分人天生有种反对技术进步的心理。他们抗拒变革。

    The majority have a built-in Luddite mentality ; they are resistant to change .

  24. 他突然有种说不出的孤独感。

    He felt a sudden inexpressible loneliness .

  25. 他的皮肤有种不健康的淡灰色。

    His skin had an unhealthy greyish tinge

  26. 她有种古灵精怪的幽默感。

    She had a wicked sense of humour

  27. 她的眼神里有种难以确定的东西。

    There was something indefinable in her eyes

  28. 我有种感觉,死亡似乎和他的来访有某种关联。

    I 've got a feeling that the death may be tied up with his visit in some way .

  29. 有种充满希望和解脱的奇妙感觉,好似卸下了一副千斤重担。

    There was an extraordinary feeling of hope and relief , as if a great burden had been cast off .

  30. 首相有种感召人群的本事——有些人甚至认为这是一种魅力。

    The Prime Minister has an ability to work a crowd — some might even suggest it is a kind of charm