
yǒu wèi
  • Odorous;be delicious;be off; be tasty; smell bad
有味 [yǒu wèi]
  • (1) [tasty]∶指食物滋味好

  • 这菜真有味,我爱吃

  • (2) [stink]∶食物变质而馊臭

  • 饭有味了,吃了会闹肚子的

  • (3) [delightful]∶有情趣

  • 这幅小品画很有味儿

  1. 还有秋雨哩,北方的秋雨,也似乎比南方的下得奇,下得有味,下得更像样。

    As for autumn rains in the North , they also seem to differ from those in the South , being more appealing , more temperate .

  2. 这种感觉还是比较有味,且回味无穷。

    Such feeling is just meaningful , yet endless in aftertaste .

  3. 其基本特征是有味与有效的统一。

    The basic characteristic is the unity between interest and efficiency .

  4. 如果你不洗澡,你身上就开始有味啦。

    If you don 't shower , you start to stink .

  5. 那些法国女孩真有味,特里皮!

    Comme Elle sont delicieuses those French girls , triebig !

  6. 作品有味无味与文章所叙述的内容、情感、形式、语言有密切的关系。

    Works is closely related with the content , form and language .

  7. 我可以点着那些你讨厌的有味蜡烛。

    I can light my smelly candles that you hate .

  8. 金和银对他们来说,是有味的。

    Gold and silver possess an odor for them .

  9. 如是文章始能亲切有味。

    Only in this way can warmth be generated .

  10. 牛奶变质了,洗衣机里的衣服有味了。

    The milk 's gone off and the washing 's started to smell .

  11. 在印度文学理论中有味论诗学。

    In Indian poetry there is the rasa theory ( theory of flavours ) .

  12. 看她多有味?不想和她跳舞吗?

    Isn 't she fabulous ? Wouldn 't you like to dance with her ?

  13. 如是文章始能亲切有味。她有时写点地方性文章。

    Only in this way can warmth be generated . She writes local items betimes .

  14. 味觉电化学传感器的研究&可兴奋性脂膜对有味物质的响应

    Studies on Electrochemical Taste Sensors The response of an excitable lipid membrane to taste substances

  15. 所以我认为两个讲汉语的男人世界并不精彩也不有味。

    Because I dont think anybody here will be familiar to your words , but me .

  16. 我所梦想的任何食物都不如香草薄饼那么可口有味。

    No food that I could dream of seemed half so utterly delicious as vanilla wafers .

  17. 这一段长路走起来挺有味,达西先生还没有见过那儿的风景呢。

    It is a nice long walk , and Mr. Darcy has never seen the view .

  18. 在宁静的环境,悠闲的心情静静地读书,是人生最有味的享受。

    The greatest pleasure is reading a book in a quiet place with a carefree mind .

  19. 多么有味的食物呀!

    What delicious food it is !

  20. 相信你不久就会发现,历史是越读越有味的。

    I believe you will soon discover that history is more read , the more flavored of .

  21. 他的语言是质朴的,平淡的,但却淡而有味,别有情致。

    His language is plain , plain , but light and flavored , do not have fantastic .

  22. 杯筷陈设在个人面前,暖锅里发出滋滋的有味的声音。(叶圣陶:《倪焕之》)

    Wines-cups and chopsticks were laid out , and a delicious sizzling sound came from the chafing dish .

  23. 一是淡而有味之作,一是余味曲包之作,而二者具体所指又有不同。

    One is pale and make , one is enjoyed , and both have different specific referred to .

  24. 烹饪可以软化肉中的结缔组织,并且改善肉质(还可以使肉变得多汁有味)。

    Cooking softens the connective tissue in meat and improves its texture ( it also makes it juicy and flavorful ) .

  25. 我曾拥有的生活是丰富有味、多姿多彩的,我希望这样认识我。

    I 've actually led a rich , interesting , complicated life . I wish you 'd see me that way .

  26. 各著名的大诗人的长篇田园诗或四季诗里,也总以关于秋的部分。写得最出色而最有味。

    Long pastoral poems or songs about the four seasons by renowned poets are mostly distinguished by beautiful moving lines on autumn .

  27. 如果一本书愈读愈有味,而所获也愈丰,大概就是智慧之书了。

    If you find a book more interesting and wholesome every time you read it , it can be a Book of wisdom .

  28. 牵挂是一杯清茶,飘荡着淡雅的清香,却苦的有味,苦的醇厚,别有一番韵味。

    Is about a cup of green tea , an elegant fragrance waft , but bitter , bitter mellow , do not have a charm .

  29. 宋代的味论诗学与苏轼的诗味追求在印度文学理论中有味论诗学。

    The Taste Poetics and Su Shi 's Seeking for Poetic Tastes In Indian poetry there is the rasa theory ( theory of flavours ) .

  30. 葡萄酒的口感让人们成为朋友,让美食更加有味,让谈话更加生动,让夜晚更加珍贵!

    The finishing touch is the wine that helps people become friends , a meal becomes more flavorful , the conversation more animated and the evening more memorable .