
  1. 请点选下载台湾有你真好、台湾人的愿望、明天会更好好听歌曲的歌词。

    Please click to download the lyrics of " With You , Taiwan is Great ," " Taiwanese 's Wish ," " Tomorrow Will be Better ," etc.

  2. 无论我从那个角度看你,你都是一个天使。乘妇女节绝佳的机会告诉你:生命中有你真好!

    No matter from which angle I look at you , you appear to be an angel and Women 's Day is the perfect to say : I am so lucky to have you in my life .

  3. 生活总是在继续,但有你在真好。

    Life moves on , but good to have you here .

  4. 欢迎回来,德博拉,有你在这儿真好。

    Welcome back , Deborah — It 's good to have you here .

  5. 有你的感觉真好。

    It is wonderful to have you in my life . :

  6. 有你这种朋友真好。

    You are a great friend to have .

  7. 她停顿了一下,又补充了一句,“有你教他真好”。

    Then she paused and added : " Good thing he has you " .

  8. 她们有问起你真好她们很喜欢你我真开心所有人都喜欢�

    They asked about you.Well.They love you . I love that . Everybody loves you .

  9. 乔伊有你这个男朋友真好

    Joey has the best boyfriend ever !