
  • 网络microwave source;microwave cavity
  1. 高功率微波源干扰JTIDS信号的可能性分析

    Study on the Possibility of Jamming JTIDS Signal with High Power Microwave Source

  2. 远红外FEL微波源调制器De-Qing稳幅电路设计

    The Design of De-Qing Amplitude Regulation Circuits for the Microwave Source of the Far Infrared FEL

  3. 它允许在单个高功率微波源的基础上将有效辐射功率提高n倍甚至几十倍,对高功率微波技术的发展具有深远的意义。

    It can enhance efficient radiation power to n times or more over based on the single high power microwave oscillator , so it 's meaningful to the development of HPM .

  4. 详细讨论了相位噪声的测量方法(射频频谱法),并对五种C波段微波源相位噪声的测量结果,进行了分析和讨论。

    Method for phase noise measurement ( r. f. spectrum method ) is discussed in detail . Results and analyses , of the phase noise measurements of five concrete C-band microwave sources are provided for illustration .

  5. 同轴提取区支撑杆的设计是MILO等同轴提取型高功率微波源设计的重要环节。

    The design of the support post in coaxial extractor is very important to the coaxial extracting kind of HPM sources such as MILO .

  6. 给出了采用全固态绝缘、微带线低电感输出的Sl-GaAs超快光电导开关作为高功率亚GHz电磁脉冲微波源的实验结果。

    The experimental results by using an all solid insulation protection with Si GaAs photoconductive switches with microstrip line electric induction output as high power ultra fast electromagnetism pulse microwave source are reported .

  7. 径向渡越时间振荡器(RadialTransitTimeOscillator,简称RTTO)是一种前景光明的基于径向渡越时间效应的新型高功率微波源,能在低阻抗、无外加磁场条件下工作。

    Radial Transit Time Oscillator ( RTTO ) is a promising novel high power microwave source based on the radial transit-time effect . It can operate under the condition of low impedance and without external guiding magnetic fields .

  8. 基于互逆性原理,首先利用Vlasov天线的逆过程获得了一个圆模式输出的测试用微波源。

    Based on the principle of invertibility , an ideal microwave source used for test of Vlasov antenna is obtained by the inversion of Vlasov antenna .

  9. 光电导开关作为兼顾脉冲功率和带宽的微波源,在THz电磁波的产生方面以及功率脉冲技术领域具有独特的优势。

    Being a source of microwave it is provided with merit of power and bandwidth at the same time , photoconductive semiconductor switches has unique predominance in the field of power pulse technology and THz sources .

  10. 最终实现了微波源高压脉冲幅度稳定精度0.15%,满足了远红外自由电子激光实验需求。地面控制点(GCPs)的精度、分布和数量是决定提取DEM数据精度的关键;

    As a result , it is successful in controlling the amplitude regulation accuracy of the microwave sources high voltage to 0.15 % , which satisfies the requirement of far infrared FEL experiment .

  11. 同轴虚阴极振荡器是GW水平的空间电荷器件,是基于在静电场中振荡的相对论性电子注的轫致辐射的高功率微波源。

    Coaxial vircator ( VCO ) is a gigawatt-class special charge microwave tube , is a high power microwave source based on Bremsstrahlung radiation produced by relativistic electronic beams oscillated in static electric field .

  12. 开展该项研究可以通过功率合成构成输出比单台微波源更大功率的HPM源、为HPM效应和HPM大气击穿研究提供合适窄脉冲HPM源、并能改进现有雷达系统。

    By developing this research , it is possible to synthesize microwave power , supply proper HPM power of narrow pulse for the research of HPM effect and HPM atmosphere broke , and improve radar system in existence .

  13. 较之2450MHz/5kw工业用微波源,它的成本下降到3%,可靠性提高到97.4%。

    Compared with 2450MHz / 5kW industrial microwave sources , its cost decreases to 3 % , and its reliability increases to 97.4 %

  14. 当使用微波源功率为60kW(3台),工作频率为915±25MHz隧道式微波加热器中,在输入、输出口处微波泄漏功率密度小于10μW/cm ̄2。

    When the microwave power is 60 kW and working frequency is 915 ± 25 MHz , the power density of microwave leakage is less than 10 μ W / cm  ̄ 2 for entry and exit of the web .

  15. 采用的微波源是一个锁定到10MHz频率标准上的高稳定高功率的85GHz的GaAs耿氏管振荡器。所获得的1v和10-V电压的总不确定度分别是9E-9和6E-9。

    A high power 82 GHz GaAs Gunn diode oscillator was used as the microwave source which was phase locked to a high stability 10 MHz frequency reference , The total uncertainties of 9E-9 and 6E-9 for 1-V and 10-V level were achieved respectively .

  16. 本文介绍了上海光机所量子光学重点实验室铷原子喷泉钟基本电路研制的进展情况,包括冷原子喷泉上抛电路、TOF信号探测电路及微波源电路。

    In this paper we report the progress of research of the basic circuits developed for rubidium atomic fountain clock in the key laboratory of quantum optics of SIOM , including circuits for cold rubidium atoms tossing , circuits for TOF signal detection and microwave circuits .

  17. 与频率2450MHz、输出功率5kW的微波源相配合,建立的加热系统结构简单,加热特性优良,尤其适合于大尺寸陶瓷材料的微波加工。

    The heating system which consists of the cavity and a 5 kW variable power microwave source operating at 2450 MHz is characterized by simple construction , high efficiency and good performance , so it is suitable for microwave processing of large sized ceramic workpieces .

  18. 高稳定锁相介质振荡器微波源的设计

    The Design of Highly Stable Phase Locked Microwave Dielectric Resonator Oscillator

  19. 高功率超短电磁脉冲微波源及其应用

    Pulse Sources of High Power Ultra Fast Electromagnetism and Their Applications

  20. 高功率微波源功率输出自动控制系统

    An Automatic System for Power Output of High Power Microwave Sources

  21. 宽带连续波和高重频无引导场高功率微波源的理论探索

    Study on Wide-Band C-W & Repeatedly Operating HPM Source Without Guiding Field

  22. 高功率微波源的改建及其测试系统的建立

    Reconstruction of high power microwave equipment and establishment of its test system

  23. 一种微波源调频噪声测量系统

    A System of FM Noise Measurement for Microwave Sources

  24. 充等离子体微波源高压电源的撬棒保护

    Crowbar circuit protection of high voltage power supply of plasma filled HPM source

  25. 双波段高功率微波源的实验研究

    Experimental Investigation of High Power Microwave Source Operating Simultaneously at Two Frequency Bands

  26. 高功率微波源相位锁定的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of High Power Microwave Oscillators Phase-Locking

  27. 微波源中同轴提取区支撑杆的理论分析与设计

    Theoretical Analysis and Design of the Support Posts in Coaxial Extractor of Microwave Source

  28. 高稳定微波源的研制

    Development of Microwave Source with High Stability

  29. 铁磁共振实验微波源的改进

    On microwave sources of ferromagnetic resonance experiments

  30. 基于迈克耳孙干涉仪分析微波源谱分布实验

    The experiment of Michelson interferometer based on analysis of the distribution of microwave source spectrum