
  • 网络Electrostatic phenomenon;static electrical phenomenon;ESD
  1. 纺粘非织造布生产中静电现象分析及防治措施

    Analysis on electrostatic phenomenon in spunbonded nonwovens production and prevention measures

  2. 电子元器件的静电现象与防静电包装

    The Electrostatic Phenomenon from Electronic Components and The Anti-electrostatic Packaging

  3. 非织造布静电现象产生机理及防治措施探讨

    Reason of Nonwovens Static Phenomenon and the Discussion of Prevention Measure

  4. 有晕眩情形并请注意静电现象。

    Expect some dizziness , and look out fora static charge .

  5. 纺纱过程中要注意减少静电现象,防止产生棉结;

    Reducing static and neps in spinning should be taken attention .

  6. 谈粉尘静电现象及其预防

    Talks about Dust Phenomeon and its Prevention

  7. 慎用有机硅对毛纺织品进行柔软整理&毛纺织品的静电现象研究

    Cautiously utilizing silicone compounds in soft-finishing of wool products & Study on electrostatic propensity of wool products

  8. 非织造布生产中的静电现象及其防治探讨

    The Argument for the Emergent Mechanism Preventive and Dissipative Methods of Electrostatic Phenomenon in Processing of Non-Wovens

  9. 本文报导了典型氧化剂高氯酸铵和可燃物赤磷在超细粉碎过程中所产生的静电现象,分析了静电产生的原因,并提出了减少或消除静电的可行方法。

    The electrostatic phenomena during crushing ammonium perchlorate and red phosphorus with jet mill are reported in this paper .

  10. 不锈钢具有典型的导电性能,而腈纶纤维吸湿性差,静电现象严重。

    Stainless steel is conductive , and acrylic fiber has the defects of poor hygroscopicity and serious static electrical phenomenon .

  11. 高分子材料的静电现象在其制造、运输和使用等方面常带来诸多麻烦。

    Usually there is a lot of troubles due to the static charge phenomenon of polymer materials during their production , transportation , application and so on .

  12. 基于科学探究性学习的理念,为高中生设计了“静电现象”和“光电效应”两个科学探究性的实验活动,对中学物理课堂教学如何实施探究性学习做了简要论。

    Based on the idea of scientific inquiring study , two inquiring experimental activities of static electricity phenomenon and photoelectric effect are designed for senior middle school students .

  13. 当你拿起气球抹在头发上或者羊毛上时,就会发生同样的静电现象。

    This is the same kind of thing that happens when you take a balloon then you rub it on your hair and you put it on the wool .

  14. 介绍了电子元器件的静电现象、元件的敏感值、静电产生原因及危害,电子元器件的防静电原理和防静电包装。

    This paper introduces the electrostatic phenomenon from electronic components and its sensitivity . It also introduces the causing factors and its harmfulness as well as the anti-electrostatic principle and anti-electrostatic packaging .

  15. 结合生产实践,对非织造布生产过程中静电现象的产生机理、危害及影响因素进行了探讨和分析,提出了静电现象的判断方法和一些有效防治措施。

    Combined with experiences of non-wovens production , the emergent mechanism of electrostatic phenomenon , its influenced factors and harmfulness are analysed , then the judgement methods , prevention and dissipation measurements for electrostatic phenomenon are put forward .

  16. 指出:大豆蛋白纤维的质量比电阻较大,达2.14×1010Ω·g/cm2,纺纱过程中易产生静电现象,必须加抗静电剂进行预处理;

    Point out that the mass specific resistance is high , reach 2.14 × 10 10 Ω· g / cm 2 , it is easy to produce electrostatic phenomenon during the spinning process , so antistatic must be added to pretreated soybean protein fiber .

  17. 采用一种利用TCAD仿真提取MOS器件在静电放电现象瞬间大电流情况下的电学参数,对MOS器件二次击穿行为进行电路级宏模块建模。

    A method to exact the electrical parameters and model the second breakdown action of MOSFET 's under ESD ( Electro-Static Discharge ) on circuit-level , using TCAD simulation , is presented .

  18. 液体静电雾化现象及其应用

    Liquid Atomizing Phenomenon Subjected to the DC High Voltage and Its Application

  19. 纤维的摩擦还会导致纤维的磨损与变形,产生质量转移、热量和静电等现象。

    In addition , friction also causes abrasion and deformation of fibers , resulting in mass transfer , heat and electrostatic phenomena .

  20. 将唯一性定理应用到静电屏蔽现象中,从理论上解释了该现象,并得出了封闭导体壳内外电势与电荷之间的定性关系。

    The uniqueness theorem is applied in the phenomenon that static electric field is shielded , it explains this phenomenon , and the relation of potential with charge is obtained inside and outside the closed metallic housing .

  21. 本文运用唯一性定理解释了静电屏蔽现象,并分析讨论了解决实际问题的静电屏蔽原则及其应用。

    The uniqueness theorem is applied in the phenomenon that static electric field is shielded , it explains the phenomenon . On the basic of theorem , the paper discusses the principle of Static Electric Shield and application .

  22. 静电放电ESD现象在我们生活中是很常见的。

    Electrostatic discharge ( ESD ) is a very common phenomenon in our lives .

  23. 对静电实验中漏电现象的探讨

    Discussing the Phenomenon of the Leakage of Electricity in Electrostatic Experiment

  24. 用静电场的惟一性定理分析空腔导体的静电屏蔽现象

    The Analysis on the Phenomena of Conductor Static Electricity Shield by Electricity Field Theorem

  25. 在本文,我们基于能量法推导了静电驱动吸合电压的CLOSE-FORM表达式,对固支梁的静电吸合现象作了研究。

    We deduced close-form expression of electrostatically actuation pull-in voltage , and study the electrostatical pull-in phenomena of clamped-clamped beam 4 , Taking the electrostatic micropump for example , the micropump was analyzed by ANSYS .