
shān sōng
  • illawarra mountain pine
山松[shān sōng]
  1. 带来一场疯狂的风暴,比如刚刚席卷整个北美洲的山松甲虫大爆发,

    for extreme events , like the massive mountain pine beetle outbreak that just swept across North America ,

  2. 鸡公山松属针叶皮下层及树脂道的比较解剖观察

    The comparative anatomy & observations for the hypodermic and the resin duct of needleshaped leaf of Pinus in Jigong Mountain

  3. 新规定涉及鸟类、青蛙、爬行动物和矮山松等稀有树木。

    There are new rules related to birds , frogs and reptiles and rare trees , including the dwarf mountain pine .

  4. 因此,弄清华山松健康植株和感染疱锈病的植株(以下简称感病植株)上的树栖真菌种类、数量和动态变化对华山松疱锈生物防治中重寄生菌的定殖相当重要。

    So the kind , quantities and changes of dendrocola fungi on healthy and infected ( by Cronartium ribicola ) Pinus armandii are very important to the growth of the mycoparasites .

  5. 成员的北方山巴松管合奏所有研究用同样的教师,罗素Hinkle。

    The members of the Northern Hills Bassoon Ensemble all study with the same teacher , Russel Hinkle .

  6. 山上松桧丛生,丁香溢彩,亭台楼阁依山而建,雕栋画廊绿树掩映。

    Hui-song in the mountains to crop up over lilac color , pavilions hillside , carved-dong Gallery shade trees .

  7. 平江幕阜山黄山松群落特征及其演替规律的探讨

    Study on the characteristics and succession rules of Pinus taiwanensis community in the Mufu Mount in Pingjiang county of Hunan

  8. 闽中低山丘陵火炬松家系引种试验研究

    Study on the Introduction Experiment of Pinus taeda Family on Low Massif in Middle of Fujian

  9. 开展对黄花山天然杜松群落学特征及生物量的研究,可为该群落的稳定恢复以及人工管护提供一定的理论依据。

    It can provide a theoretical basis for stable recovery of the community and the artificial management and protection by conducting study of community characteristics and biomass of the natural juniperus rigida .