
  • 网络margin call
  1. 监管机构可以在恰当时候发出追加保证金通知,促使银行筹集更多股本。

    The regulator could induce them to raise more equity by making a margin call at the appropriate time .

  2. 这对少数股的投资者是一个风险,因为在追加保证金通知被触发的情况下,股价可能突然变动。

    This is a risk to minority investors in the case of sudden price moves when a margin call is triggered .

  3. 因此我们可以要求监管机构,在针对某银行债务的CDS的价格超过某个门槛时(比如,较上月平均上涨1个百分点时),发出追加保证金通知。

    Hence we can require the regulator to make a margin call any time the CDS price of a bank 's debt exceeds a certain threshold , let us say an average of 1 percentage point over the previous month .

  4. 交易之交割或追加保证金通知应付之金额;

    Sums to be paid in settlement of transactions or margin calls ;

  5. 追加保证金通知激增,并蔓延至欧美股市,重新引发了市场恐慌。

    Margin calls have proliferated and spread to stock markets in the US and Europe , raising the spectre of renewed panic .

  6. 经纪人追加保证金通知:借入部分资金作为保证金买入股票的人通过经纪人支付股票价款。

    Broker 's Calls : Individuals who buy stocks on margin borrow part of the funds to pay for the stocks from their broker .

  7. 如果保证金在某个时点跌破了下限,它们就会发出追加保证金通知,迫使投资者在追加保证金与停止投资两者中做出选择。

    If this ever drops below a threshold , they make a margin call , which forces the investor to choose between posting more collateral or losing the investment .

  8. 究其原因,一方面是因为银行在不景气时期筹集股本的成本过高;另一方面是因为监管机构发出追加保证金通知目前在政治上难以实现。

    Precisely because it is costly for a bank to raise equity in bad times , it is also politically difficult for a regulator to make a margin call .

  9. 目前交易量已经受到影响,主要是因为投资者的资金遭到冻结,深受追加保证金通知的困扰,商品交易陷入困境。

    Already , trading volumes have taken a hit because investors have been deprived of their own capital , socked with margin calls , or found live trades in limbo .

  10. 如果有一个区域出现损失,它们就要被迫要卖掉其它投资,以满足贷款者的追加保证金通知,继而导致它们手中所有交易品种价格下跌。

    When they lose money in one area , they are forced to sell off other investments to cover margin calls from their lenders , prompting falls across all the asset classes they trade .

  11. 无可否认的是,大量使用保证金交易的投资组合始终存在收到追加保证金通知的风险&如果所持资产跌幅太大,那么就要存入更多的现金。

    To be sure , a heavily margined portfolio will always run the risk of getting a ' margin call ' the need to come up with additional cash if its holdings fall too far .

  12. 无可否认的是,大量使用保证金交易的投资组合始终存在收到“追加保证金通知”的风险——如果所持资产跌幅太大,那么就要存入更多的现金。

    To be sure , a heavily margined portfolio will always run the risk of getting a ' margin call ' -- the need to come up with additional cash -- if its holdings fall too far .

  13. 这是一种末日交易。只有在你认为这个世界将发生大爆炸、或强生公司将炸掉自己或你刚好在尾盘时接到了追加保证金的通知时,发生这种交易才讲得通。

    This is an Armageddon trade the kind of trade that only makes sense if you believe the world will blow up or J & J will blow itself up , or if you happen to have a late-day margin call .