
  • 网络risk seeking;Risk-seeking;risk-seekers
  1. 追求风险背后的科学

    The Science of Risk-Seeking

  2. 但美国投资者从追求风险到逃离风险模式的转变,也起到了一定的作用。

    But the change by US investors from risk-seeking to risk-fleeing mode has also played a part .

  3. 追求风险者大脑中快乐相关的部分会变得活跃,而我们其他人大脑中则是恐惧相关的部分活跃。

    For the risk-seekers , a part of the brain related to pleasure becomes active , while for the rest of us , a part of the brain related to fear becomes active .

  4. 需要指出的是:纯粹追求风险是愚蠢的,除非建立了有效风险防范机制。

    And it needs to be that way : risk pursuance is pure folly unless it is accompanied by risk avoidance .

  5. 农业产业化经营组织的形成,是在市场经济不断发展、农业商品化和专业化程度不断提高的背景下,农业生产者与其他参与主体追求市场风险回避和节约交易费用的结果。

    The form of Agricultural industrialization is the result of market economy , agribusiness and specialization developed to a certain extant .

  6. 这与债券型基金投资固定收益率投资工具,追求稳定风险较低的收益有很大关系。

    The bond funds investment yields on fixed investment tools , the pursuit of stability risk has a lot to do with lower income .

  7. 银行高管在薪酬激励下会采取降低银行风险的行动,同时监管也起到了限制高管人员追求过高风险行为的作用。

    Own to the incentive of compensation , bank executives inclined to choose behaviors reducing bank risk and regulation restricts the excessively high risk behaviors of executives .

  8. 人们现在正在追求零风险的产品,然而当你早上起床后,走在街上,这也不是一件零风险的事情。

    People are looking for products that can be risk free . You get up in the morning and you walk across the street-that 's not risk free .

  9. 一些策略师表示,追求高风险高收益的投资者可以考虑对经济环境更为敏感的“周期性”板块,包括高科技和能源类股票等。

    Investors looking for a riskier bet should consider stocks in more economically sensitive sectors of the market known as ' cyclicals , ' including tech and energy , some strategists say .

  10. 他们追求的是风险调整后相对和可观的回报。

    They strive for attractive , relative , risk-adjusted returns .

  11. 追求资本、风险、收益的动态平衡&我国商业银行风险管理机制改革的四大关系

    Seeking the Dynamic Balance of Capital , Risk and Returns

  12. 你的追求是高风险的。

    What you 're after is too risky .

  13. 女士们、先生们,投资者目前不再追求未经风险调整的短期高回报。

    Ladies and gentlemen , investors no longer strive for high short-term returns unadjusted for risk .

  14. 根据风险投资业务基本特点、规则,认为风险投资项目评估体系的发展趋势必定是追求效益与风险评估结果的均衡。

    It conclude that it is a development trend to seek a balance between risk evaluation and maximize return on investment based on basic rule and principle of venture investment business .

  15. 根据对政府和承办方追求目标和风险处理原则的分析,确定了本模型分成两个部分:基础价格模型和价格调整方法。

    After analyzing the goals and principals of risk disposal of government and purveyor , it is confirmed that the model is composed of two parts , one is basic pricing model , and the other is the adjustments to basic price .

  16. 经济资产限值结构体现了现代风险管理的观点,即风险是具有两面性,理应追求达到既定风险水平下,最大化回报或在既定回报水平上,最小化风险水平。

    This kind of structure incarnates the view of modern risk management that is risk has dual trait , the stock fund ought to maximize the return at a fixed risk level or minimize the risk level at a fixed return level .

  17. 第三、加入VaR控制平衡了投资者追求效用最大与风险控制要求间的矛盾,避免了投资者因单纯追求效用最大而可能导致风险面临失控的危险。

    Thirdly , joined the VaR control balance investor to pursue effectiveness most greatly with the risk control request contradiction , because avoided the investor pursuing effectiveness to be biggest and possibly to cause the risk purely faced with the out of control danger .

  18. 在信息系统的安全问题上,只能追求适度的安全风险。

    People can only pursue temperate security risks for information system 's security .

  19. 通过相关文献的梳理发现,在风险投资家投资风险企业的过程中,企业家对私人收益的追求导致了与风险投资家目标的不一致。

    Relevant literatures indicate that the pursuit of private benefits of entrepreneur has led to the conflicts to VCs , in the process of venture capital .

  20. 调查结果似乎表明,大多数企业主行事谨慎,无意追求本质上高风险的快速增长目标或打乱现有的市场格局。

    The findings suggest that most people who run businesses are not doing so to achieve the inherently risky goal of growing fast and disrupting an existing marketplace .

  21. 发电市场中,长期合约是发电公司与交易中心双方追求效益、规避风险的共同选择。

    In power generation market , long-term contract is one of the common and important choices of power generation company and transaction center to pursue benefits and evade risks .

  22. 选取具有投资价值的证劵,追求高收益低风险是每一个投资者的期望,对于实现这种期望有很多模型和方法。

    Every investor hopes to select good securities and to pursuit high yields with low-risk . There are many models and methods can help investors to achieve the expectation in fact .

  23. 国内已开始这方面的研究,近年来在发电市场中,长期合约是发电公司与交易中心双方追求效益、规避风险的共同选择。

    This aspect research has started in inland , in recent years in the electricity generation market , the long-term contract is the together choice when both of the company and transaction center pursue the benefit , and dodge the risk .

  24. 风险管理的核心不是要追求不切实际的零风险,而是要达到风险和收益的平衡,并在风险可容忍的前提下最终取得良好经营收益。

    The core of risk management is not to pursue " zero risk " which is unrealistic , but to achieve the balance of risks and benefits , and acquire the good operating income eventually on the premise of tolerable risk .

  25. 一人公司由于股东的唯一性与传统公司法理论相冲突,长期被排除在公司法调整范围之外,但是它因满足了投资者追求利益独享与风险分担的愿望而倍受青睐。

    One-person company has been excluded from corporate law for a long time since single shareholder conflicts with traditional corporate theory . But it satisfies investors'desire to enjoy profits alone and share risks so most investors are in favor of it .