
  1. 于是我去新德里读了AB管理学院的工商管理研究生课程,这个学校是印度最优秀的管理学校之一。

    Hence I took admission in Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration ( PGDBA ) at AB Institute of Management Studies ( ABIMS ), New Delhi , which is one of the prominent Business schools in India .

  2. 我国工商管理研究的知识来源与结构&基于文献计量法的分析

    Knowledge Sources and Structure of Management Research in China

  3. 芝加哥大学工商管理研究生院表示,其网上咨询和推介会参加人数都有显著上升。

    University of Chicago Graduate School of Business says it is seeing significant increases in inquiries online and attendance at information sessions .

  4. 除此之外,他还完成了芝加哥大学工商管理研究生院和凯勒管理研究生院的有关商业,金融和信息管理的研究生课程。

    He also has completed additional graduate studies in Business , Finance and IT management from the University of Chicago-Graduate School of Business and the Keller Graduate School of Management .

  5. 弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院(UniversityofVirginia'sDardenSchoolofBusiness)伊西多尔·霍温(IsidoreHorween)工商管理学研究助理教授

    Isidore Horween research associate professor of business administration , University of Virginia 's Darden School of Business

  6. 本研究在现场研究基础上,设计了动态投资决策实验模拟任务,选取53名工商管理硕士研究生被试,研究投资决策不同决策阶段上所具有的动态风险特征。

    Based on theoretical and practical studies , the present paper tried to find out the dynamic natures of decisions under risks through Multi stages Simulated Investment Decision tasks .

  7. 1982年至2006年先后毕业于重庆建筑大学、重庆大学工商管理学院MBA研究生班和中欧国际工商学院CEO班。

    Graduated from Chongqing Jianzhu University in1982 and Chongqing University of MBA and Sino-Europe CEO class in2006 .

  8. 整个的设计过程通过为工商管理类硕士研究生设计一套专业英语测试来体现。

    The whole constructing process is presented by constructing an achievement specialized test for business and management postgraduate .

  9. 以实地调研为基础的工商管理案例教学研究实地调研了东方通信&摩托罗拉知识联盟。

    Research on the Case Study of Business Administration Based on the Field Survey ; A cases study of the knowledge alliance between Eastern Communication and Motorola is conducted .

  10. 潘塔佐波尔斯表示,欧洲工商管理学院将基于研究的临床心理学融入mba课程的努力与商学院案例研究和鼓捣数字一起颇受欢迎。

    The efforts made by the school to integrate research-based clinical psychology into the MBA alongside the business case studies and number-crunching are welcome , says Mr pantazopoulos .

  11. 中外工商行政管理工作比较研究

    Comparison and Research on Chinese and Foreign Industrial and Commercial Administration

  12. 工商管理系列课程改革研究

    Research on the Reform of Series of Courses in Industrial and Commercial Management

  13. 中国工商管理案例教学现状研究

    Research on Management Case Teaching in China

  14. 作者认为:新一轮的工商企业管理的理论研究与企业管理经营实践活动也将以如何在企业内部、外部成功建立并有效运作精细化管理模式为重心来进行。

    The author thought that , How the new turn of industry and commerce business management fundamental research and business management management practice also take in the enterprise interior , exterior success establishment and the effective operation fine management pattern will carry on as the center of gravity .