
  • 网络Industrial Pumps
  1. 螺杆泵是一种新兴的工业用泵。

    The screw pump is a new type of industrial pumps .

  2. 磁力泵采用磁力传动,实现力矩的无接触传递,是为彻底解决机械传动泵轴封泄漏而设计的无密封、无泄漏、无污染的新型工业用泵。

    Magnetic drive pump utilizing magnet coupling , achieving non-contact moment transfer , is a new kind of sealless , non-leakage , non - contamination industry pump for thoroughly solving mechanical seal problems .

  3. GB/T13469-1992工业用离心泵、混流泵、轴流泵与旋涡泵系统经济运行

    " Economical operation for industrial centrifugal , mixed flow , axial flow and vortex pump systems "

  4. 在工业生产用的多级泵中,空蚀特性是考核其综合性能的重要指标。

    In industrial production with multistage pumps , cavitation characteristics is the comprehensive performance evaluation of important indexes .

  5. 此型号被设计用于需要大功率高速度组件需求之双动力源或备用动力源所用单向离合器,例如:工业用大型风扇、泵及透平机等。

    This type is designed for dual or standby drives on large equipment requiring high power at high speeds such as , industrial fans , pumps and turbines .