
  • 网络OLD KING;Old King Cole
  1. 老国王死后,他儿子统治这个王国。

    After the old king died , his son ruled over the kingdom .

  2. 老国王晏驾,人们悲恸不已

    Much lamentation followed the death of the old king .

  3. 一个王国因为它的明智的老国王而繁荣。

    A kingdom was triving because of its wise old king .

  4. 那老国王逊位退休。

    The aging king abdicated his throne and went into retirement .

  5. 老国王普里阿摩斯觉得他躲在高高的城墙后面很安全。

    Old King Priam thinks he 's untouchable behind his high walls .

  6. 现在老国王死了,国王万岁!

    Now the old king is dead ! Long live the king !

  7. 老国王在城堡里被关押了五年。

    The old king was confined in the castle for five year .

  8. 女儿对老国王来讲非常重要。

    The daughter ofthe great sea king is a very precious commodity .

  9. 老国王出去开门。

    and the old king went out to open it .

  10. 老国王因他的残酷行为而声名狼籍。

    The old king was notorious for his cruelty .

  11. 老国王仍在掌管国政。

    The old king is still sitting at the stern of the state .

  12. 他在我们学校演的剧中扮演老国王的角色。

    He played the role of the old king in our school play .

  13. 传令官将在老国王去世后立刻宣告新国王。

    A herald will proclaim the new king immediately the old one dies .

  14. 老国王死后没有留下一个儿子或女儿。

    The old king without a son or daughter .

  15. 后来,老国王去世以后,牧羊人继承了王位。

    In time , when the old king died , the shepherd succeeded him .

  16. 从前有一位老国王。

    Once , there was an old king .

  17. 不久,老国王死了。

    No sooner , the old king died .

  18. 知道你在侮辱谁吗,小心点,老国王。

    Careful who you insult , old king .

  19. 老国王:没错,任何时候都可能有人失业。

    Old King : Yet any moment some of us may be out of work .

  20. 老国王什么也不会知道。

    The sea king will never know .

  21. 老国王便指定了三项任务要求他们完成,每一项都难于登天。

    The old king assigned three tasks to be accomplished , each next to impossible .

  22. 善良的老国王乔治。

    And kind old King George .

  23. 他并提到老国王如何把婴儿亚瑟托付他照顾的事。

    He told of how the old king had given the baby Arthur into his care .

  24. 深夜,老国王的幽灵现身给王子哈姆雷特,告诉他,克劳狄杀害了他的父亲。

    One night a ghostly spirit visits Hamlet and tells him that Claudius killed his father .

  25. 老国王死后,他的两个儿子都想获得王位。

    When the old king died , his two sons both wanted to get the throne .

  26. 然而老国王去世了,新国王不喜欢听屈原的。

    However , the emperor died , and the new emperor did not like listening to Qu-yuan .

  27. 老国王:又勾搭上辛普森夫人,她两个丈夫还都活得好好的!

    Old King : And taken up a Mrs Simpson , a woman with two husbands living !

  28. 三个国王借助三王子的宝刀才打败了敌人,靠三王子的面包度过了饥荒,所以才送这些东西来表示谢意。老国王心里想:难道我那个儿子,是没有罪过的。

    The old king was angry with his youngest son , believing he had tried to kill him .

  29. 这时,城堡的大门传来敲门的声音,于是老国王走过去打开它。

    Then there came a knock on the town-gate , and the old king went and open it .

  30. 这一命令是在萨尔曼继承了90岁的老国王阿卜杜拉的王位后一个星期颁布的。

    The announcement came a week after Salman acceded to the throne following the death of Abdullah , aged about 90 .