
  • 网络social motives;social motivation;social motive
  1. 研究表明:成就动机本身也是一个复杂的社会性动机系统,它有深层的人格特质的成分,也有深层的价值观念的成分;

    This study demonstrates that achievement motivation is a complex social motivation system and it has deep character of personality as well as deep concept of value .

  2. 新生代农民工的创业动机共包含三个维度,即经济性动机、社会性动机和成就性动机。

    The entrepreneurial motivation of new generation migrant workers contains three dimensions : economic motivation , social motivation and achievement motivation .

  3. 成就动机理论一直是学习心理学家和语言学家重点研究的课题之一,他们认为成就动机是一种较高级的社会性动机,是学生课堂学习中的一种主要动机。

    Achievement motivation as one of relatively advanced social motivations has still been studying by psychologists and linguists .

  4. 成就动机作为一种较高级的社会性动机,对个人发展和社会进步都具有重要意义。

    As one of relatively advanced social motivations , achievement motivation has great significance for personal development and social progress .

  5. 内部动机、自我效能与社会性动机可以诱发与维持较长的阅读时间。

    The positive relationship still exits on the motivation and reading amount , which is dependent on the intrinsic and social motivations , self efficacy .

  6. 西方学者提出了西方消费者奢侈品消费动机的二重性结构,即社会导向性动机和个人导向性动机两大类别,为奢侈品消费动机领域的研究建立了基本的理论框架。

    Western scholars had set up a two-types framework of social oriented and self oriented motivations for the study of luxury consumption motivation . This framework was a theoretical guideline for the following studies in the sector .

  7. 结果:286名大学生网络使用的主要动机类型为:社会交往动机、虚拟社群动机、自我肯定动机、商品资讯动机、匿名交往动机、社会性学习动机。

    Results : The main Internet using motivations of 286 college students are motivations of social contacting , virtual community , self-confidence , products information , anonymous contacting and social studying .