
  • 网络social drama;Sociodrama
  1. 论关汉卿的社会剧

    Research on the Social Drama of Hanqing GUAN

  2. 在作品的题材方面,学者研究的重点一般都放在传统的题材上,如社会剧、公案剧、历史剧、神仙道化剧等。

    Works in the subject matter , we are generally the focus of the study on traditional themes , such as social drama , opera legal cases , historical drama , opera and so on Immortal .

  3. 此外还有尖锐的社会评论剧如汤姆·斯托帕德(TomStoppard)的《真正的东西》(TheRealThing)和特莱沃·格里菲斯(TrevorGriffiths)的《喜剧演员》(Comedians)。

    incisive social commentaries including " The Real Thing " by Tom Stoppard and " Comedians " by Trevor Griffiths ; and comedies by turns acid ( Rabe 's " Hurlyburly " ) , sentimental ( " The Gin Game " by D.

  4. 关汉卿社会现实剧的深层结构

    Suppression and Histrionic Solvement & Deep-seated Structure of Guan Hanqing 's Actualistic Drama

  5. 既具备通俗剧的诸多要素,又是一个深刻的社会问题剧和带有较强的探索性的先锋剧。

    It 's a drama concerning the social problems and an exploring vanguard drama .

  6. 胡适与金佑镇的社会问题剧之比较

    Comparison between the Dramas on Social Issues by Hu Shi and Kim Woo Jin

  7. 质疑与辨析&关于曹禺戏剧的现实主义(或社会问题剧)诸评价

    Doubting , Differentiating and Analysing : About Some Evaluation on Cao Yu 's Plays

  8. 对将《雷雨》作为社会问题剧误读误解现象的反思

    Reflection on the Phenomenon of Misunderstanding of The Thunderstorm as a Social Problem Drama

  9. 写社会政治剧的挪威作家(1828-1906)。

    A Norwegian author who wrote plays on social and political themes ( 1828-1906 ) .

  10. 社会问题剧探源

    The Source of Problem Plays

  11. 通过胡适和金佑镇接受西方社会问题剧的过程,阐明他们为什么采取同样的艺术形式,创作各自的第一部社会问题剧作品,而且两位作家创作的作品都写到女权问题,塑造近代女性形象。

    Through their reception process of western social problem drama , this paper explains why the two writers used the same art form and why they both focused on the women rights .

  12. 五四戏剧论争确立了现代戏剧为人生的写实主义风格和以社会问题剧为主的戏剧类型。

    The controversy on drama of the May 4th Movement established a " for life " style of realism and a " social problem plays " type of drama for China modern drama .

  13. 本论文对胡适和金佑镇的社会问题剧采用影响研究和平行研究方法考察了中韩两国第一部社会问题剧的接受与创作。

    This paper studies the writers ' reception and creation of the social problem drama in the light of parallel approach and influential approach tries to find the innate relationship between their aims .

  14. 丁西林的喜剧应被理解为易卜生式社会问题剧在中国化过程中最早出现的一种成功的变体,为中国现代话剧艺术的成熟产生了重要作用。

    His come-dy should be considered as an initial and successful variety of Ibsen 's social problem play in China , which played an important role in the maturity of the art of Chinese modern drama .

  15. 长期以来,人们都把《获虎之夜》定位为社会问题剧,但把剧本深究下去的话实在很难服膺这一种说法。

    The drama the Night of Catching the Tiger was always been regarded as a drama about social problems , however , it is difficult to adhere to this claim after going deeper into the script .

  16. “社会问题剧”是20世纪中国的主流戏剧,20世纪中国戏剧研究从“社会问题剧”的角度评价“非社会问题剧”,因此“去正统化”是有关研究的首要问题。

    Social Problem Drama ( Realist Drama ) was the mainstream in Chinese dramas in the 20th Century . Social Problem Drama , studied on the basis of politics , has been the authorized standard in Chinese drama research .

  17. 美国芝加哥大学行为科学教授埃普利说,当上班族错误地寻求独处时,每天早晨全世界的火车和公交车上就上演了一出社会悖论剧。

    Nicholas Epley , a professor of behavioural science at the University of Chicago in the US , said there 's a social paradox that plays out on trains and buses around the world every morning when commuters mistakenly seek solitude .

  18. 他于民初对西方社会问题剧的研治、现代主义戏剧的接纳,也长期落在研究者的视域之外,未能获得应有的历史评价。

    His studies of the western social dramas and acceptance of the idea of modernist dramas just after the founding of the Republic of China have neither been given due attention to for a long time or any positive historical appraisal deserved .

  19. 而且各个沦陷区由于种种客观原因,它们的话剧创作呈现出不一样的追求:东北沦陷区以社会问题剧为主,华北则以结构剧、趣味剧为主,而华东又以文明戏和左翼戏剧为主。

    And all the enemy-occupied area due to various objective reasons , their creative drama presents a different pursuit : Northeast enemy-occupied area to social problem dramas , north to structure play , fun dramas , and east to civilization drama and leftist drama mainly .

  20. 在爱情剧、社会及家庭剧、历史剧、神仙道化剧及公案剧等不同类型的作品中,反封建、反压迫是杂剧女角的主导精神;

    In the different type dramas such as affectional drama , social and family drama , historical drama , immortal drama and legal case drama , leading spirit of the female is against the feudalism and oppression ;

  21. 五·四时期,萧伯纳与易卜生一起被当作具有社会批判精神的思想家和写作社会问题剧的模范作家而被接受。

    During the period of the May 4th Movement of 1919 in China , Bernard Shaw , as well as Henrik Ibsen , were accepted as thinkers of social criticism and model playwrights writing " social problem drama " .