
shè huì zhī zhù
  • pillars of society
  1. 建筑业已成为我国社会支柱性产业。

    Construction industry has become the foundational industry of our society .

  2. 几千年来一直是中国社会支柱的农村正在分崩离析。

    Villages , which have been the backbone of Chinese society for thousands of years , are falling apart .

  3. 中年人是整个社会支柱,他们需要肩负起相当重的社会责任和家庭责任,他们的身体如果出现问题,对家庭和社会的影响将是巨大的。

    The middle-aged are pillars of the whole community , and need to shoulder quite a heavy social and family responsibility . If something goes wrong with their health , the impacts on their families are quite strong .

  4. 软件产业自二十世纪中叶从零开始起步,在短短六十年的时间里迅速发展成为人类社会支柱产业之一,并在二十一世纪扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    Since the middle of twentieth century , software industry has been started on develop , and quickly became one of the leading industries of human society at the 60 years and played an increasing important role in twenty-first century .

  5. 随着信息经济时代的来临和各国信息化水平的日益提高,信息经济的规模越来越大,作为信息经济社会支柱的信息产业在全世界迅猛崛起。

    With arrival of economic era of information and the improving day by day of various countries ' information-based level , information economy is larger and larger , emerge rapidly in the whole world as the information industry of social pillar of economy of information .

  6. 没过多久,漫画家就开始把劳动者,尤其是罢工的劳动者,描绘成现代参孙(Samson)了,他们推倒旧社会的支柱,与资产阶级敌人同归于尽。

    Cartoonists soon began depicting labor , and strikers in particular , as modern-day Samsons , pulling down the columns of an orderly society , killing their capitalist adversaries and themselves in the process .

  7. 基于全面建设小康社会的支柱产业组织政策研究

    How to Build Pillar Industries in an All-Round Way Well-Off Society

  8. 计算机与通信&信息社会的支柱

    The Computer and Communications are Pillars of Information Society

  9. 诚信是一个社会的支柱。

    Honesty is the pillar of a society .

  10. 科学家是现代社会的支柱。

    Scientists are pillars of the modern society .

  11. 妇女是我们所有社会的支柱-作为领导人,作为提供照护者和作为母亲。

    Women are the backbone of all our societies-as leaders , as caregivers , and as mothers .

  12. 在半个多世纪以来,石油化工已发展成为现代文明社会的支柱产业。

    The petroleum chemical industry becomes the pillar industry in our modern civilized society since half century .

  13. 他成为了印第安纳波利斯商业和社会的支柱,作为律师,他也是名声鹊起。

    He became a pillar of Indianapolis business and society , enhancing his reputation as a brilliant lawyer .

  14. 与渔猎经济对比,采集经济有着明显的优越性,曾长期作为社会的支柱经济而存在。

    Economic comparison of hunting and fishing , gathering has a clear superiority of a long existence as a pillar of the social economy .

  15. 第一修正案是权利法案的核心,它将表达自由确立为公民所享有的一项最基本权利和自由社会的支柱性权利。

    The first amendment , the core of the rights bill , regard the expression freedom as the basic right of a citizen and fundamental right of a freedom society .

  16. 大学生是未来社会的支柱和希望,是社会价值观念中具有超前性和先导性的价值群体,大学生的价值观念既是社会价值观念变迁的一种敏感的折射,同时,也是社会变迁的缩影。

    College students are the hope and pillar of future , are the group of advanced value in society , their values are the sensitive reflection and epitome of changing social value .

  17. 作为海外华侨华人社会重要支柱的华文教育在泰国也经历了从无到有的发展过程。

    Overseas Chinese community in Thailand endured a process from formation to growth , so did the development of Chinese language education in Thailand , which has become one of the significant pillars of overseas Chinese community .

  18. 在这个时代,信息作为一个产业已和能源、材料一样成为当今社会的支柱之一,并在各个领域起着重要作用,特别是高校教学中显得尤为重要。

    In this era information , along as resources and materials , have become one of the important pillars at present and play more important role in every aspect in the whole society , particular in high education .

  19. 电能作为现代社会的支柱能源和经济命脉,其应用程度是一个国家发展水平和综合国力的重要标志之一。

    The application of electric energy , which acts as a pillar energy and economic artery in modern society , is one of the most important symbols of the level of development and comprehensive national power of a country .

  20. 基础教育是建设社会主义新农村、构建社会主义和谐社会的支柱,是国家实现科教兴国战略、实现人类全面发展的基础工程,对我国实现中华民族伟大复兴具有特别重要的意义。

    Basic education , the backbone of constructing socialist new countryside and building a harmonious socialist society , is the foundation engineering of national realization of the reinvigorating strategy and full human development , which has special significance to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation .

  21. 中国电信是信息化社会的重要支柱。

    China Telecom is an important pillar of the information society .

  22. 而这两个庞大的阶层,时社会稳定的支柱。

    When these two huge social strata , social stability prop .

  23. 人文精神:人类社会的强大支柱&兼谈强化大学生的人文精神

    Humanism & the Mighty Pillar of Human Society

  24. 过去的几十年里,以连锁为组织形式的商业发展迅速,成为社会经济的支柱产业之一。

    Over the past decade , chain-store business has developing rapidly as one of mainstay industries in social economy .

  25. 网络空间是经济社会发展新支柱和国家安全新领域。

    Cyberspace has become a new pillar of economic and social development , and a new domain of national security .

  26. 高科技产业是知识经济社会的重要支柱,高科技产业的发展需要资金的支持。

    High technology industry , which is the main prop of knowledge economy society , needs capital support for its development .

  27. 但同时也是一项公共财产,是我们社会不可或缺的支柱,所以我想敬他们一杯。

    but as a public good , an indispensable pillar of our society , so I want to give a toast to them .

  28. 大型工业企业技术进步是现代经济、社会发展的支柱,是重大技术开发的源泉。

    The technical advance of large industrial enterprises is the pillar of modern economy and social development , and the source of significant technical development .

  29. 当前我国正处于转变经济发展方式的重要时期,大企业要发挥经济社会发展的支柱作用,成为促进改革发展稳定的重要基础。

    The large business played a pivotal role in the social economic development , and have become an important foundation for promoting reform , development and stability .

  30. 和谐的党群关系,是支撑社会主义和谐社会的重要支柱,是我们党执政为民的必然要求。

    A harmonious party-masses relationship is the important pillar of supporting the socialist harmonious society , is the inevitable request that our party assumes power for the people .