
  • 网络aquatics;aquatic sports;Water items
  1. 每当人们谈起奥运会的水上项目时,他们通常只想到游泳和跳水。

    When people talk about aquatics at the Olympics , they often think only of swimming and diving .

  2. 结果表明:我国的传统优势项目再度显示了强大的威力,基础大项和水上项目仍是我们的薄弱环节。

    The result shows that Chinese traditional strong events present their power again and basic events and aquatic sports are still weak .

  3. 其中包括六个水上项目。

    Including six water projects .

  4. 室外主题公园项目是以远古亚特兰蒂斯文明水上项目结合陆地游玩项目为主的体验式主题公园。

    It 's an experiential theme park which combination of water sports with far Atlantis civilization and land-based game play .

  5. 在里约热内卢市的瓜纳巴拉湾及其环礁湖,长期以来存在着污染。那里将举行包括帆船和赛艇在内的水上项目比赛。

    There is also the chronic pollution in the city 's Guanabara Bay and its main lagoon , which will be used for water sports , including sailing and rowing .

  6. 从广西体育发展史可以看出,自建国以来广西都是以水上项目见长,游泳运动的开展较为普及。

    Can be seen from the history of sports in Guangxi , since the founding of Guangxi were on the water project is good at , more popular for swimming .

  7. 但是横向比较,无论从体育市场的市场份额来讲还是从关注度上来讲,水上项目依然属于冷门。

    But compared to other sports items , whether in terms of market share in the sports market , or the demotic concern , the water project is still a " dark horse " .

  8. 近年我国水上项目的市场开发和赞助营销对比自身,不论从赞助金额还是赞助商的数目都有较大增长。

    Olympic sponsored-marketing of water sports in China , compared to its own , regardless of the total amount of sponsorship or the number of the last few years really has made considerable progress .

  9. 调查研究发现:江西省优势竞技体育项目主要有水上项目中的赛艇和皮划艇、田径(短跑、投掷、全能)、跳水、游泳、举重、摔跤和射击等。

    The research result indicates that the competitive sports in Jiangxi Province now consist mainly of such aquatic projects as rowing , canoeing , swimming , track and field ( dash , throwing , all-round ), diving , weightlifting , rassling and so on .

  10. 武汉市水域景观水上旅游项目开发初探

    Exploration on the Development of Above-Water Tourism Programs and Water Landscape in Wuhan

  11. 游泳是最普及的水上体育项目。

    Swimming is the most popular water sport .

  12. 加入一些娱乐趣味性高的水上运动项目或游戏,同时增加夜航服务。

    Add some high interesting aquatic sports or games , and add night service as well .

  13. 流是一项具有惊险,刺激的水上娱乐项目,翻船,掉水,衣服打湿属于正常。

    Driftage is a kind of adventurous and exciting on-water amusement , so that turnover , dropping and wet of clothes are normal .

  14. 皮划艇、赛艇、帆船帆板等水上运动项目是奥运会的基础项目之一备受世界各国体育界的重视,水上项目是浙江省重点、优势项目。

    Aquatic sports such as canoeing , rowing and sailing are the elementary sports of the Olympic Games , and attached the importance to the world of sports .

  15. 因此,体育官员瞄上了奥运会游泳、田径以及皮划艇等水上运动项目的100多枚金牌。

    So officials have targeted the more than 100 golds up for grabs in Olympic swimming , track and field , and water sports such as canoe and kayaking .

  16. 龙舟,全称龙舟竞渡,俗称赛龙船、划龙船,是我国民族传统体育活动中一项既能娱乐强身,又能弘扬爱国主义和团队精神的水上体育项目。

    Dragon boat , popular saying dragon boat race , is one of traditional sports , which not only is recreation , but also can foster patriotism spirit and team spirit .

  17. 帆船运动是一项水上运动项目,在水面上航行时帆和风向之间的夹角,风向和风力的大小等都是不断地变化的。

    Sailing is a sport on water , the angle between wind direction and the sail as well as the wind direction and the wind speed will always change , especially the wind direction .

  18. 武汉地区的体育工程学主要系统地开展水上运动项目的研究工作,目前,已经基本形成了比较完整的研究体系和从教练员岗位培训到硕士、博士和博士后研究人员的人才培养体系。

    In Wuhan , sports engineering has been applied in the aquatic sports and a comparatively complete research ( system ) has been established , including the training system for on-the-post postgraduate program , doctoral program and post-doctoral program etc.

  19. 初探水上摩托艇项目在市场经济模式下的机遇与挑战

    The Initial Study on the Opportunities and Challenges of the Motor-boat Event in the Market Economy

  20. 在当前市场经济条件下,水上摩托艇项目如何求得自身发展空间的问题已摆在了面前。

    Under the current condition of the market economy , a problem of how to develop the motor-boat event itself .

  21. 赛龙舟是中国民间传统水上体育娱乐项目,已流传两千多年,多是在喜庆节日举行,是多人集体划桨竞赛。

    Dragon boat racing is a Chinese folk traditional water sports entertainment , has been around for two thousand years , many festivals are held is more than a collective rowing competition .

  22. 奥林匹克水上运动包括哪些项目?

    How many Olympic disciplines do aquatics consist of ?

  23. 水上安全监督收费项目及标准

    Items and Standards to Collect Fares for the River and Sea Safety Superintendence

  24. 监控及资料收集系统水上安全监督收费项目及标准

    SCADA System [ Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System ] Items and Standards to Collect Fares for the River and Sea Safety Superintendence

  25. 赛艇是用桨作为推动力使船在水上前进的水上运动项目。

    Rowing is a water sport in which a boat is propelled through the water by means of oars .

  26. 国内外著名滨水城市都十分注重水上旅游项目的开发。

    The famous domestic and overseas waterfront cities all emphasis the aquatic tourism development .

  27. 增加帆船帆板俱乐部的经营业务种类,引入水上自行车、滑水板、皮划艇等娱乐性水上项目,为消费者提供更多的消费选择,从而吸引更多的消费者,提高经营利润。

    Increase the business of sailboat and sailboard commercial clubs by introducing entertaining aquatic sports such as aquatic bicycles , aquaplanes as well as kayaks etc to supply more choices for customers , which will also attract more customers and make more profit .

  28. 疯狂河道水上乐园位于超美的阿拉伯塔酒店前面,有30个水上项目,适合全家人游玩。

    Situated in front of the stunning Burj Al Arab , Wild Wadi offers 30 rides and attractions for all the family .

  29. 阿布扎比亚斯水上世界是阿联酋第一个宏伟的水上乐园,有43个水上项目、滑梯和游乐活动,能使全家人都激动不已。

    Yas Waterworld Abu Dhabi is the UAE 's first mega water park . The park offers 43 rides , slides and attractions that will thrill the whole family . 10 .

  30. 这个震撼的水上乐园的自由下落水上滑梯是世界最高、最快之一,还有适合全家人一起玩的滑梯和水上项目。

    This action packed water wonderland features one of the world 's tallest and fastest free-falling waterslides , as well as slides and rides for the whole family . 8 .