
  • 网络Ulun Danu Temple;Pura Ulun Danu Bratan;Pura Ulun Danu;Ulun Danu;Pura ulum
  1. 但水神庙与我们自己的体制之间的反差让我感到不安。

    But the contrast between the water temples and our own institutions left me uneasy .

  2. 水神庙并不是用来搞迷信活动的玩意:星罗棋布的庙宇管理着当地的灌溉系统&这才是这些庙宇的真正功能,外人一眼是看不透的。

    Those water temples were no superstitious curiosity : the network of temples , their true function hidden from outsiders in plain sight , ran the irrigation system .

  3. 而国内对广胜寺的研究主要还是停留在水神庙的元代戏曲壁画上和在对广胜寺的土木构造方面,国外的研究更是空白。

    And domestic to guangsheng temple of the study is to stay in the water of the temple on the mural in yuan dynasty opera on guangsheng temple and civil construction , study in foreign countries is blank .