
  1. 白色蒸汽与云朵均是由很小的水粒构成,因为它们的体积实在太小,所以我们称之为水雾。

    The white steam and the clouds are both composed of extremely small specks3 of water , so small that they have been called water-dust .

  2. 当许多水粒凝聚在一起时,它们就变成了雨滴。随后,雨滴的重量使得自己迅速落到了地面。

    When a number of these water-specks join together , they form a drop of rain , and then the weight of this rain-drop makes it come pattering quickly to the earth .

  3. 直径更小的雾化水粒能有效捕集尘粒。

    Finer atomized water drips can effectively catch dust grains .

  4. 微生物参与下的水/粒界面吸附反应研究进展

    A review on researches of particle / water interaction in presence of microorganism

  5. 高炉水渣粒化装置用热强钢衬板的研制

    Development of Refractory Steel Plate Lining Used in the Water-Granulated Slag Apparatus of Blast Furnace

  6. 小导管注浆在富水大粒径砂卵石地层中的应用

    The application of grouting with small pipe in rich water large grain size pebble layer

  7. 交联聚合物纳米颗粒水化粒径分析

    Hydration Size Analysis of Linked Polymer Nanoparticles

  8. 所制50%残杀威水分散粒剂的各项技术指标符合水分散粒剂指标要求。

    Various technical indicators of 50 % Propoxur water dispersible granules meet the technical requirements . 3 .

  9. 浅池气浮净水污粒表观密度对池深的影响逆流式气浮过滤一体化净水技术的应用

    Affect of Slops Particles Apparent Density on the Tank Depth for Shallow Tank Flotation Wastewater-treatment Application Of Counter Flowing Gas Floats Filters Pure Water Integrated Technology

  10. 鹤岗热电厂依靠技术改造,增加旋风炉参烧石灰石配比,提高水淬粒化矿渣氧化钙含量,提高综合经济效益。

    By relying on technical reform , increasing limestone distribution ratio of whirlwind stove and the content of granulated slag CaOxid , Hegang Heat Power Factory lifted complex benefit .

  11. 海底浅层圈闭与浅层气地震反射特征对比浅池气浮净水污粒表观密度对池深的影响

    CONTRAST BETWEEN TRAPS AT THE SHALLOW SUBBOTTOM DEPTH AND THE SEISMIC REFLECTION FEATURES OF SHALLOW GAS Affect of Slops Particles Apparent Density on the Tank Depth for Shallow Tank Flotation Wastewater-treatment

  12. 有奇形怪状的钟乳石笋和石柱,洞下更有无底洞、水池等景观,可以说是别有洞天。浅池气浮净水污粒表观密度对池深的影响

    The many different kinds of stalactites , stalagmites , and columns found here are both beautiful and amazing . Affect of Slops Particles Apparent Density on the Tank Depth for Shallow Tank Flotation Wastewater-treatment

  13. 但人们逐渐认识到悬浮颗粒物在污染物的产生、迁移、沉淀过程中扮演了重要角色,因此水/粒相互作用过程成为研究污染物在湖泊中环境行为特征的关键课题。

    But people have gradually realized that the suspended particles matter ( SPM ) plays essential role in pollutant generation , migration and precipitation . Thus , the water-particle interaction processes have become the key point for the study of the environmental behavior of contaminant in lakes .

  14. 水下切粒设备市场预测及研究

    Forecast and investigation of the market of underwater strand pelletizing system

  15. 农药新剂型&水分散性粒剂及其加工工艺

    A New Water Dispersible Granule Pesticide and the Procession Technology

  16. 聚丙烯水下切粒模板温度场的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field of Die for Polypropylene Pelletizing under Water

  17. 胸水嗜酸粒细胞增多症23例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of pleural fluid eosinophilia of 23 cases

  18. 冲刷是指流动中的水将任何粒径的土壤冲走的现象。

    Scour is the removal of material of any size by flowing water .

  19. 在一定高度悬挂的可见的水或冰粒的聚合体。

    A visible mass of water or ice particles suspended at a considerable altitude .

  20. 结果表明,纳米聚硅材料具有极强的憎水性,粒径在5~40nm之间。

    Experiments show that NMPM is hydrophobic with particle size range between 5 and 40 nm .

  21. 他喝了一大口阿斯匹林水,几粒酸涩的药渣儿卡在他的嗓子里。

    He took a swig at the aspirin and the sour grains stuck in his throat .

  22. 对国产水下切粒设备研制开发过程进行回顾。

    The research and development process of underwater strand granulator equipment which made in China were reviewed .

  23. 水拉条切粒是一种应用较为广泛的切粒工艺,几乎适用于所有的物料造料。

    Water is an application pull of pelletizing the wider pelletizing process , almost all of the materials for making material .

  24. 白兰地是蒸馏酒,这就意味着制造者把水从果粒里分离出去,然后你得到了更多的精华!

    Brandy is distilled wine , that means they take the water out of the fruity bit so you get even more of the goodness that way .

  25. 模型所需的输入参数包括:喷头流量速率、喷头孔径、水颗粒初始粒径、水颗粒初始温度、喷射角度、初始烟气层厚度及温度。

    The model input quantities are : water flow rate , orifice diameter , droplet diameter , spray angle , initial smoke layer thickness and temperature , and ambient air temperature .

  26. 本文介绍了动态光散射实验的原理、实验装置及方法,并测量了粒径为85nm的聚苯乙烯水溶液的粒径,分析了实验产生误差的原因。

    In this paper , the experiment principle , device and method are introduced . The grain diameter of 85 nm polystyrene water solution is measured , and the reasons for errors in experiment are analyzed .

  27. 水对巨粒土的压缩特性和剪切特性有重要影响,主要表现为压缩系数增大,抗剪强度参数降低。

    The water has important effects to the compression characters and the shear characters of over coarse-grained soil . It mostly makes the compression coefficient degree increase and the parameter of shear strength decrease . 2 .

  28. 水下切粒系统作为一种先进技术日益受到聚合物造粒加工的重视和应用,适应大批量和持续生产等要求,朝着大型化和强适应性等技术方向发展。

    Pelletizing system under water as a kind of advanced technology is extensively used in the polymer processing involving palletizing , and it is developing toward large-scale and better adaptability , finally achieves the demand of large batch and continual production .

  29. 本文介绍了电解镍经中频感应电炉熔化,生产水碎镍粒的工艺,并对熔体温度、溢流高度、水温、水压、水量、还原剂等影响因素进行了探讨。

    A process is related for producing granulated nickel by melting cathode nickel in a medium frequency induction furnace . Factors that have effects on the production are discussed , such as melt temperature , overflow height , temperature , pressure and volume of water , and reductants .

  30. 利用PIV测量水煤膏雾化粒径的试验研究

    Experimental study on particle size measurement of atomizing coal-water paste with PIV technology