
líng qī
  • age;instar;stadium
龄期[líng qī]
  1. 按龄期调整有效模量法中老化系数x的取值问题

    Evaluating Aging Coefficient x in Age - adjusted Effective Modulus Method

  2. 掺合料对砼早期抗裂性的影响混凝土断裂能GF随龄期、强度的变化规律

    Effect of age and strength on fracture energy of concrete

  3. 转Bt基因棉花对棉铃虫不同龄期幼虫的杀虫活性和抑制生长作用

    Survival and growth of different instar larvae of Helicoverpa armigera ( hubner ) on transgenic Bt cotton

  4. 并阐述了为进一步完善温控设计,应该增加砼K(IC)试验及计算砼各龄期遇各种寒潮KI的必要性。

    The author saggestes that in order of improvement on temperature control design , must increase test work about K_ ( IC ) and K_I .

  5. 3d龄期时掺粉煤灰的试样混凝土结构比未掺粉煤灰的试样疏松,孔隙率也较大,水化产物相对较少。

    The concrete structure with fly ash was loose than the concrete structure without fly ash in the 3d age , it had bigger porosity and smaller hydration products .

  6. 龄期对碳纤维RPC力学性能的影响跟养护制度有关。

    An impact on carbon fiber RPC mechanical properties relates to the fact that maintain the system age .

  7. 活化煤矸石水泥硬化浆体中Ca(OH)2的含量在水化3d时最多,而后随龄期逐渐减少;

    The content of Ca ( OH ) _2 was the most when the curing age was 3 days , and gradually reduced lately in activated coal-gangue-cement hardened paste .

  8. 结果表明,若虫随着龄期的增大,体重增加,日平均排蜜量也不断增多,每头夏型若虫一生排蜜量为6303.38μg。

    The results indicated the amount of honeydew excretion increased with the age and weight of nymph , with an average of 6303.38 μ g from a nymph of summer .

  9. 并对复合水泥水化各龄期的试样进行了SEM分析。研究了水泥水化龄期对复合材料压电性能的影响,并对其机理进行了初探。

    The specimen of each hydration curing age was studied with SEM . The influence of cement ages on the piezoelectric constant of the composites was analyzed .

  10. 其中轻质混合土试样的胶结结构强度则取决于EPS颗粒添加量、水泥添加量、试样养护龄期。

    Furthermore , the strength of cementation lies on additive rates of EPS beads and cement , also on curing period .

  11. 研究中华真地鳖Eupolyphagasinensiswalker的断足时间及数量对发育历期的影响,以及不同龄期断足处理后发育历期间的差异。

    Influence of leg amputated phase and amount on development duration of Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker were studied .

  12. 计算出了不同配合比混凝土的双K断裂参数,分析了断裂参数随龄期、强度等参数的变化特征并进行了相关的数值拟合。

    We calculated the value of double-K fracture parameters of different concrete ratio . It analyzed the fracture parameters variation with age and intensity , and then fitted some data . 6 .

  13. 本文通过水泥净浆试验,采用XRD和FSEM方法对净浆材料不同龄期的微观结构进行了试验研究,通过微观分析的结果对所选用材料的抗腐蚀机理进行了深入的分析探讨。

    The microstructures of the cement pastes with different materials were studied by XRD and SEM methods . The mechanism of corrosion resistance of different materials was discussed .

  14. MSW试样的摩擦角随龄期的发展单调增加,但黏聚力随龄期先增大而后减小。

    With fill-age developing , friction angle of MSW increase monotonously , but cohesion force of it first increases and then decreases .

  15. 实验室试验结果为:C类助磨剂的加入改善了粉磨效率,提高了比表面积,水泥试样各龄期的强度值都比空白样高。

    Laboratory test shows that Type C can improve grinding efficiency and increase specific surface , strength of cement samples in each age is higher than samples without C grinding aids added , a industrial trail test on ?

  16. 在幼龄到壮龄期随树龄增加VA菌根感染强度增强,而后逐渐减弱;

    Infectious intensity of VA mycorrhiza increased gradually from seedling to adolescent stage , then decreased slowly as tree age increased .

  17. 通过EDTA标准滴定试验,建立了考虑灰剂量随龄期衰减标准曲线。

    According to tests of EDTA titration , the lime-treated expansive soils displayed significantly deduction in EDTA titration for longer periods of mellowing .

  18. 为了评价收缩测试的合理性,文中选取水灰比为0.3的几组试样,采用压汞试验,测试其3d龄期气孔分布。

    In order to evaluate the reasonableness of this method , this paper selected groups of samples for mercury test , whose water-cement ratio is 0.3 , and got the pore-size distribution of 3 day-aged samples .

  19. 新、老混凝土由于配合比、龄期、风化程度等因素,pH值变化表现出了明显的差异性。

    The phenomenon of pH values varied obviously among the samples may be explained by the differences of assort rate , ages , weathering grade factors , etc. exist between the new and old concrete samples .

  20. 且EcR和USP基因mRNA在各龄期的后阶段的表达水平明显大于各龄期前期的表达水平。

    EcR and USP gene mRNA expression levels in the later stage of each instar were significantly greater than the initial stage of each instar .

  21. 对不同龄期、不同水泥掺入比的水泥土试块进行超声波测试,利用FFT技术分析得到水泥土超声波信号的主频。

    Different age and different cement ratio of cement soil are tested with ultrasonic instrument . Get main frequency with FFT technique analysis to ultrasonic wave signal of cement soil .

  22. 试验结果表明,水泥掺入比、密度和龄期,对不固结不排水和固结不排水三轴压缩试验的应力应变特性和抗剪强度指标c,φ的大小有不同程度的影响。

    It is indicated that the cement mixing ratio , density and age of the lightweight soil have different influences on the results of stress-strain properties and shear strength indexes of the soil in triaxial compression tests under unconsolidated-undrained and consolidated-undrained conditions .

  23. 对于某一较早的龄期,当SO3掺量超过某一数值时,水泥浆体的膨胀与SO3掺量关系不大,而提高水泥中的C3A含量则能显著地增加其膨胀。

    The expansion at a given early age is nearly independent of the amount of SO_3 added when the addition exceeds a certain amount but increases considerably as C_3A content is raised .

  24. 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性与处理温度呈正相关,而同一处理温度下SOD活性随成虫龄期和成虫日龄增加而降低。

    The activity of SOD had a positive correlation with the treated temperatures , and decreased with the increase of nymphae instar and the day age of adults after emergence at the same temperature .

  25. 分析结果表明:无论哪种龄期,PVA纤维混凝土梁的韧性要比普通混凝土梁高,且随纤维含量的增加而增大;

    The result indicates : the toughness of PVA fiber concrete beams is higher than common concrete in any concrete ages , and increasing with PVA fiber volume ratios increasing .

  26. 本文针对碾压混凝土中粉煤灰的最大掺量问题,通过试验和计算,得到长龄期时粉煤灰掺量与Ca(OH)2含量的关系。

    To solve the problem of the highest fly ash content in roller compacted concrete , this paper established the relation between fly ash content and Ca ( OH ) 2 content at long age through experimentation and calculation .

  27. 本文研究了PRC(PoreReducedCement)材料的成型压力和养护龄期对水泥强度发展的影响和成型工艺与材料力学性能之间的联系。

    The paper studies the influence of PRC ( pore reduced cement ) material forming pressure and curing age on cement strength and the relation between forming technology and material mechanism .

  28. 在杨毒蛾幼虫期,随着幼虫生长发育的进行和龄期的增加,同化效率(A/I)逐渐降低,而毛生态效率(P/I)、净生态效率(P/A)逐渐升高。

    At the larva stage , with the development of the larva and the increase of ages , its assimilation efficiency ( A / I ) reduces but production efficiency ( P / I ) and the pure production efficiency ( P / A ) rise gradually .

  29. 混凝土胶凝材料中的水泥遇水即发生水化,随着水化龄期的延长生成大量的Ca(OH)2,这是造成混凝土抗侵蚀性能降低的重要原因。

    The cement exposed to water hydrates immediately in the cementitious materials of concrete , and produces Ca ( OH ) 2 with the prolonging of hydration time , which is the important cause to reduction of corrosion resistance of concrete .

  30. 通过密度试验,明确了影响EPS颗粒混合轻质土密度的因素:密度主要受到EPS颗粒体积比的影响;龄期、水泥添加量、轻质填料种类对密度影响不大。

    The density is found to be mainly affected by the EPS volumetric ratio while the effects of the curing period , the cement content and the type of lightweight material were negligible .
