
shuǐ wén cè zhàn
  • hydrometric station;gauging station
  1. 浅析广东省水文测站水准基面的历史沿革

    Analyzing History Evolution of the Level Datum of Hydrometric Station in Guangdong

  2. 对水文测站的洪水与枯水巡视进行了可行性分析。

    The paper analyzes ground survey of flood and low water in hydrological survey station .

  3. 赣江上游水利工程对水文测站影响分析

    Analysis of the influence of the hydrologic stations on the hydraulic projects in the upstream of Ganjiang River

  4. 同时对河网中观测点的合理数量和布设位置进行了研究,为河网工程水文测站的布局优化提供了科学依据。

    Meanwhile , reasonable quantities and installation position of observation points were studied for placement optimization of hydrological stations in the river network engineering . 3 .

  5. 在嫩江干流和主要支流,依据防洪对象的重要性和水文测站情况,选取了9个防洪预报控制断面,并拟定了洪水预报配置方案。

    The 9 flood forecasting sections on the mainstream and main tributaries of Nen River were selected according to the importance of flood control objects and condition of hydrological observation stations . The flood forecasting schemes were carried out .

  6. 数字化集成水文测报站的研究与应用

    Study on and Application of the Digital Integral Hydrological Observation Station

  7. 它是地理信息系统的一种,它的应用解决了山西水文的测站信息、降雨径流等值线图在电子地图上的绘制问题,以及水文区域信息在空间地理位置的表示问题。

    This technique has solved some problems in Shanxi hydrological department , including drawing isogram of some data ( such as : precipitation , runoff ) obtained from hydrological station on the electric map , representing spatial geographic place of hydrological area information etc.

  8. 浅谈深圳市水文站网测站建设的技术条件

    Preliminary Discussion on Technical Conditions for Hydrological Station Network Construction in Shenzhen

  9. 由于新疆地域广大,水文站网测站稀疏,特别是小河流和洪沟一般均无水文测站;

    There was few hydrologic station in many place of Xinjiang , especially in small river and flood ditch .

  10. 通过分析比较,认为涨落比例法最适合梧州水文站的测站特性,且能满足各方面要求的推流方法。

    The comparison results prove that fluctuating ratio method is suitable for Wuzhou hydrologic station , it can meet the all demands .

  11. 黄河山东测区水文测流受工程和人类活动影响及对策陆水流域水文测站测速垂线与测点精简分析

    Influence of project and human activities on hydrological flow measurement in Shandong in Yellow River Basin and countermeasures