  • Soil moisture;moisture in the soil
  • 田地里土壤的湿度:~情。保~。跑~。~土。


{农} (土壤适合种子发芽和作物生长的湿度) moisture in the soil:

  • 保墒

    preserve the moisture of the soil;

  • 抢墒

    lose no time in sowing while there is sufficient moisture in the soil

  1. 基于分类及不确定墒的DS证据合成及判决方法

    Modified DS evidence combination strategy based on evidence classification and uncertain entropy

  2. 在数值计算中,采用ANSYS软件,求出了4种典型热桥的内部温度分布及通过热桥和周围外墒的热流量。

    In the mathematic calculation , adopt ANSYS software , get four representative thermal bridges ' internal temperature distribution and heat-flux get through the thermal bridge and the around outer wall .

  3. 当径流集蓄超过80mm后,增墒持续时间能够稳定在45d左右。

    When the accumulation deep was over 80 mm , the duration of the moisture preserving keeps steady about 45 days .

  4. 人工模拟径流蓄集试验表明,当径流集蓄至4080mm时,增墒持续时间就能维持30d左右;

    Artificial stimulated test of runoff collecting shows when the accumulation deep of runoff reached 40 to 80 mm , the duration of the moisture preserving of the soil can keep about 30 days ;

  5. 采用Kullback信息作为分布之间距离的度量,使得各先验分布与推导出的融合分布的距离和达到最小,即墒的增量最小;

    Using the Kullback information as the distance measure of distributions , the criterions minimized the sum of the distance between the prior distributions and the aggregated distribution .

  6. 低于300mm时,尽管个别月份差异显著,但整个生育期计算,集水枣园集流增墒效果不显著。

    When the amount of precipitation was less than 300 mm , although there was a remarkable difference in the individual month , the moisture-preserving effect was not remarkable by the whole growth phase calculation in the water collecting jujube garden ;

  7. 餐厅的墒上嵌了橡木。

    The walls of the dining hall were paneled in oak .

  8. 双向犁合墒器的研究

    A Study on the Soil-Moisture-Fill Implement of the Rollover Plough

  9. 黄土高原土壤系统墒研究

    Soil Systems Entropy A study on Entropy of Soil in Loess Plateau

  10. 山洞的墒上画着一些奇怪的超自然怪物。

    Strange supernatural beings were painted on the walls of the caves .

  11. 椖阍诟墒裁矗织我正在找尺子。

    What are you doing ? & I am looking for my ruler .

  12. 浅析HH2/ML2X型快速测墒仪的应用效果

    Analysis on Application Effect of HH2 / ML2X Fast Soil Moisture Measure Instrument

  13. 一堵高墒将这栋房子与村庄的其他部分隔离歼来。

    A high wall isolated the house from the rest of the village .

  14. 旱作农田微集水种植产流蓄墒扩渗特征研究

    Characteristics of runoff generation , water storage and rainwater distribution under micro-catchment planting in dry-land

  15. 宁南半干旱偏旱区旱作农田沟垄径流集水蓄墒效果与增产效应研究

    The Effect of Water Harvesting with Ridge Building on Semi arid Fields in South Ningxia

  16. 晚上有人在墒上张贴了一大堆非法传单。

    Someone had pasted a load of flyposters up on the wall during the night .

  17. 磁墒变计算结果表明,晶体场使Er3+的能级分裂。

    The results of magnetic entropy indicate a strong influence of crystal field on Er3 + .

  18. 强力土壤增墒改良剂(GS&84型)在农业上应用的探讨

    Studies on the of New Soil Amelioration Agent ( Type GS & 84 ) in Agriculture

  19. 掌握孤立系统墒增原理及其在能量损耗计算上的应用。

    Grasp the Entropy Increase Principle of Isolated System and its application in energy losses calculation .

  20. 士兵们在城堡城墒上巡逻。

    Soldiers patrolled the castle ramparts .

  21. 远东地区的土壤墒度将高于美国南部平原地区。

    The heaviest amounts of moisture may fall farther east than the dry US south plains .

  22. 分析结果表明:秋作物和苜蓿牧草采用微集水种植,能显著提高农田蓄水增墒保墒作用;

    The results showed : micro-catchment planting could increase water storage and improve soil moisture condition notably ;

  23. 这病毒是由她所喝的饮料罐上所追踪出来慔惯憀慁,境墇墒墔因为她没使用杯子。

    This was traced to the can of coke she drank from , not using a glass .

  24. 阴山丘陵区土壤深松增墒水分动态研究

    Research on the moisture increasing effect of deep tillage in the hilly area around the Yinshan Mountains

  25. 结果表明不同脑区的近似墒反映不同难度心理任务时大脑的激活程度,并有一定的定位作用,可以应用到神经心理研究中。

    ApEn in different brain areas represents the activation of brain function with psychological task of different difficulty .

  26. 基于模糊物元和墒权迭代理论的水库兴利调度综合评价方法库兴氏症候群:亦称库兴氏

    Comprehensive evaluation method of reservoir dispatch for beneficial purpose based on fuzzy matter-element and entropy objective iteration theory

  27. 微咸水造墒对油葵生长及土壤盐分分布的影响

    Effect of saline water for increasing soil water before sowing on helianthus growth and saline distributional characteristics of soil

  28. 充足底墒播后不灌水时肥料和播期组合对小麦生长和耗水的影响

    Influence of fertilization and sowing date on growth and water consumption of winter wheat with no irrigation after sowing

  29. 从东德至西德的大量人口越境导致了1961年柏林墒的修筑。

    The mass exodus of East Germans to the West led to the erection of the Berlin Wall in1961 .

  30. 我认为休不会喜欢这种花卉图案的墒纸&他兴许希望更阳刚味的。

    I don 't think hugh 'll like this flowery wallpaper & he 'll probably want something more masculine .
